War-Prince Vecol



2 months, 16 hours ago


'Vecol' is the andalite word for 'crippled', very much a term of  resentment. She adopted this title after an unfortunate turn of events  during her training, losing █████  to the harsh training of the andalite  military, blaming the death on the disability.

She's mean, she's quick, and she is impatient as fuck- that being said? She is an excellent commander.


War-Prince Vecol is a female andalite warrior from the homeworld. She  rose in rank during the Yeerk war while the andalite government was in  desperate need of warriors of all rank, despite massive disapproval from  her superiors, who already considered her a freak of nature due to her  blue coloration.

At her request, as she stepped into the position of War-Prince at a time  of need, her title was changed to 'Vecol'. Her commanding officers are  not allowed to forget what they have done when looking at her.

Most of her superiors are not fond of her methods, but she is neither  fond of Andal's military, nor their practices by and large as an evolved  species. She holds great resentment for it, but as a commander, she  feels indebted to her arisths and refuses to step down for their sake...  as well as her reputation.