


2 months, 14 days ago


The stories of our fallen comrades will never be known if we are not the ones who carry their tale. Stay strong, keep your faith.

Just Pretend- Bad Omens


A warrior, hardened through experience.

Valerius Valor


He - Him







The Mirror

Know Thyself.

  • resiliant
  • strong
  • authoritative

  • competitive
  • private
  • rational

  • ambitionless
  • stubborn
  • abrasive

Valerius lacks the sensitivity most people value in a person. He appears as a stoic and inconsiderate person, and while it's true to a degree- that image doesn't reflect who he really is. His intent to get to the point and lack of will to fuss is a double edged sword in the eyes of many. To those whom he serves with on the battlefield, nothing could be better. To most others, it shows an ill mannered man.



Queen of Swords

The Outlaw



True Neutral










Lone Wolf

  • solitude
  • beer battered fish
  • wood crafts

  • warm temperatures
  • complete silence
  • inactivity

  • large, empty spaces
  • heights
  • mortality

  • menial tasks
  • mist
  • witchcraft

  • Enjoys beer battered fish because it's the first meal his wife made for him, on their first date
  • Despite not having much motivation to, he still searches for a cure to his curse when possible
  • Insisted on wearing a tie that his handmade him around his sword for years until it broke

Entry Zero

A summary of his life, up to current.

Valerius grew up as a street urchin, plagued by poverty. In a lucky streak, he was able to participate in swordsmanship classes an old veteran was providing to his town. After learning to fight, he became a mercenary. In his teen years, when he first began, his jobs were smaller. He was employed for his manpower most often, to help move cargo, or the odd job to transport a package. As he grew and his abilities increased to match, his tasks became larger and more dangerous.

Soon enough, Valerius was recruited into the royal army. He steadily rose through the ranks, enough to command his own battalion. While employed by the army, he found love. A darling lass, she was. For him, the world stopped as soon as she entered his life. The two were quick to wed, deep in love. They began a home together, building the foundation for their future together. All the plans were in place, all they had to do was let the time flow on.

Once Valerius and his wife had been settled into their life together for a handful of years, he and a company of 200 soldiers were dispatched to investigate a discrepancy on the border. Though this was less than he would usually command, it was a carefully selected group of the kinddom's finest. It proved to be vital, the mission was dangerous beyond what anyone had previously imagined.

What happened was nothing short of a massacre. The "discrepancy" he was sent to look into was due to a witch with a nasty vendetta against the king. The witch casted a curse upon every last soldier, killing all but one. Killing all but Valerius. Leaving him to carry the weight of their deaths, the countless stories of their lives that each met an abrubt end. He survives, of course, but to what end?

Valerius returns home, back to the heart of the country, and conveys the news to the king. The only proof that he didn't fabricate the entire experience was a singular, pulsating, mark left on his torso. It was burning, searing to the touch. Day by day, it's claim over his body increased. His eyes, once alike to most others of his kind, darkened to a shadow. In rare instances, a piercing and enveloping pain will spread from the curse's physical manifestation all across his flesh.

He tried to hide the curse from his beloved, desperate to not let her worry if he could. It was a stupid endeavour, she figured it out on an off chance. Her heart sunk for him. They talked it out and embraced. His physical touch spread the curse from him to her, claiming her life as his had his fallen soldiers. Despite his rough childhood, despite the mass slaughter he witnessed, this was the most devastating experience he could ever endure. His love died in his arms before the year passed.

Any ambition or desires he had died with her, moving on for another lifetime. He became a husk of who he once had been, a near emotionless war machine. Mindless years passed as he threw himself into battle after war after battle. In some cases, Valerius was the key component to the kingdom's win- purely out of his sheer lack of care for his own life.

Valerius never kept many friends, not before his wife's passing and certainly not after. Any company he had before her death were shut out, left to worry and hope the best for him. Lost in that haze, he eventually met a lake spirit. One he would combat with beyond belief, one who matched his abilities.

(to be continued)

Chapter One: Title.

A Subtitle, If You'd Like.



Entry Two

Partners in Crime

Gentle laughter rung throughout the entire cottage as a certain woman entered in. Curious and equally gentle laughter returned it, from Valerius.

"Darling?" He chuckled, plainly. "I hear mischeif in your voice." The elven man made his way from the study to meet his wife. "What are you up to this time?" He pointed at the mysterious basket covered in a blanket that she was carrying ever so delicately.

"Before I reveal what I have... You must promise something to me." The two locked eye contact as she continue to giggle, grinning widely.

Raising an eyebrow, Valerius chuckled again and brought a soft hand to her rosy cheek, caressing it. "Of course. What am I promising you?"

"Promise me. That you'll protect me, my pointy eared knight in shining armor. No matter what trouble I've gotten us into."

"Oh really? Of course,love. I would, even if you hadn't asked. I would, no matter at what cost."

"Please. You're such a sweet talker, you know?"

Chapter Three: Title.

A Subtitle, If You'd Like.

Curabitur ac felis vel nisl sollicitudin condimentum commodo eu tellus. Sed sodales nisl sapien, nec condimentum neque dapibus a. Morbi ac ligula nunc. Etiam ante quam, malesuada blandit nunc et, sodales pulvinar sem. Vestibulum nec leo tincidunt, efficitur lacus non, maximus risus. Praesent vel accumsan elit. Aliquam condimentum nunc eget ornare scelerisque. Vivamus augue est, tincidunt eu mollis ac, vehicula eget neque. Pellentesque non nulla quis orci ullamcorper fringilla vitae at ante. Quisque venenatis pellentesque justo, vitae vestibulum felis fermentum vitae. In ultrices mi lacus, et molestie magna egestas vel. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Maecenas ullamcorper ex neque, ut venenatis purus condimentum in. Donec facilisis lectus in lacinia molestie.

Lovers tab. Write about your character's attitude towards this group of people! This box will scroll once it's filled with enough content.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras at elit augue. Proin sem orci, eleifend sit amet ornare nec, tincidunt ut velit. Duis nec tincidunt sem. Curabitur accumsan augue in finibus gravida. Quisque quis libero arcu. Nulla ac velit consequat, consectetur dui sit amet, blandit metus. Nunc efficitur, orci in tempor fringilla, justo ex feugiat eros, at tempor justo quam at mauris. Pellentesque ut sodales orci, eu tristique magna.

Family tab. Write about your character's attitude towards this group of people! This box will scroll once it's filled with enough content.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras at elit augue. Proin sem orci, eleifend sit amet ornare nec, tincidunt ut velit. Duis nec tincidunt sem. Curabitur accumsan augue in finibus gravida. Quisque quis libero arcu. Nulla ac velit consequat, consectetur dui sit amet, blandit metus. Nunc efficitur, orci in tempor fringilla, justo ex feugiat eros, at tempor justo quam at mauris. Pellentesque ut sodales orci, eu tristique magna.

Friends tab. Write about your character's attitude towards this group of people! This box will scroll once it's filled with enough content.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras at elit augue. Proin sem orci, eleifend sit amet ornare nec, tincidunt ut velit. Duis nec tincidunt sem. Curabitur accumsan augue in finibus gravida. Quisque quis libero arcu. Nulla ac velit consequat, consectetur dui sit amet, blandit metus. Nunc efficitur, orci in tempor fringilla, justo ex feugiat eros, at tempor justo quam at mauris. Pellentesque ut sodales orci, eu tristique magna.

Acquaintances tab. Write about your character's attitude towards this group of people! This box will scroll once it's filled with enough content.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras at elit augue. Proin sem orci, eleifend sit amet ornare nec, tincidunt ut velit. Duis nec tincidunt sem. Curabitur accumsan augue in finibus gravida. Quisque quis libero arcu. Nulla ac velit consequat, consectetur dui sit amet, blandit metus. Nunc efficitur, orci in tempor fringilla, justo ex feugiat eros, at tempor justo quam at mauris. Pellentesque ut sodales orci, eu tristique magna.

Strangers tab. Write about your character's attitude towards this group of people! This box will scroll once it's filled with enough content.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras at elit augue. Proin sem orci, eleifend sit amet ornare nec, tincidunt ut velit. Duis nec tincidunt sem. Curabitur accumsan augue in finibus gravida. Quisque quis libero arcu. Nulla ac velit consequat, consectetur dui sit amet, blandit metus. Nunc efficitur, orci in tempor fringilla, justo ex feugiat eros, at tempor justo quam at mauris. Pellentesque ut sodales orci, eu tristique magna.

Enemies tab. Write about your character's attitude towards this group of people! This box will scroll once it's filled with enough content.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras at elit augue. Proin sem orci, eleifend sit amet ornare nec, tincidunt ut velit. Duis nec tincidunt sem. Curabitur accumsan augue in finibus gravida. Quisque quis libero arcu. Nulla ac velit consequat, consectetur dui sit amet, blandit metus. Nunc efficitur, orci in tempor fringilla, justo ex feugiat eros, at tempor justo quam at mauris. Pellentesque ut sodales orci, eu tristique magna.


Close Friends


Write about the characters' relationship here. This box will grow; the side icon is sticky. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

Character Name



Write about the characters' relationship here. This box will grow; the side icon is sticky. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

Character Name



Write about the characters' relationship here. This box will grow; the side icon is sticky. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.