


5 years, 8 months ago



Drow . Light Cleric . he/him . stressed

A traumatised not-very-well-adjusting young Drow who escaped the underdark and started insistently posing as a moon elf on the surface.

He really misses his momma and is also a textbook example of the trauma i wedge into each of my D&D characters sorry boo <3.


Real Name Reluraun Baen'Rahel
Age 52
Gender He/Him
Race Drow
Class Light Cleric
Subclass Corellon
Height 5'4"
Alignment Neutral Good

  • Sugar
  • Companions
  • Comfort

  • Aggression
  • His own God
  • Stress


  • Always, always defers to any presenting-female in the room.
  • Has a hard time adjusting to things outside of what hes been taught his entire life.
  • Loves sweet food and literally anything with sugar, especially pastries.
  • Sub-plot for the above!
  • Keeping the subplot in case i need it.

Design Notes

  • His eyes are naturally red, but have been changed to gold by his gods blessing and give off a faint shine
  • Dark purple skin with a few randomly placed scars, nothing too heavy.
  • His hair grows quite quickly, so he trims it often.
  • Sub-plot for the above!
  • I'm keeping this sub line incase i need it.


Real name is Reluraun Baen’Rahel, the child of a high priestess and the captain of the guard. The last in a line of 6 children, all girls except him. Sisters are considered the right hand of his powerful martiarchal mother, and he their doting assistant/slave.

Was raised in the matriarchal society of the underdark world of drow, specifically Menzoberranzan, was essentially the messenger/butler/personal assistant to the priestess of the house he served (his mother/matriarch)until he finally came of age to head to Melee Magthere, the school of fighting, to prove himself a worthy male drow like his sire.

As he started to come of age he started having small niggles like little voices, weird bursts of magical attunement, followed by dreams where he felt like he was speaking to a god, sometimes a goddess, but certainly not Lolth or her pantheon. Felt on most days the path before him wasn't the one he needed to be on.

This came to a head during the grand melee contest in Melee Magthere where the students fight for a heirarchy every year, and helping each other was forbidden. Reluraun helped a fallen "companion", one he didn't even know, and upon being discovered by other school mates ended up manifesting a large ball of intense bright light. He then promptly, knowing what that meant, ran the fuck away and through luck and skill escaped capture in the underdark until he could reach the surface.

He cut all of his hair off, tore off most of the clothes he was wearing and hid in a small sheep barn half-naked and alone having feverdreams of his new patron, Corellon.

Now is a rather difficult case, instinctively guarded and secretive, but tries his best to understand surface customs. Used to wear dark sunglasses near all the time outdoors especially whenever he needs to use his cleric abilities as they are light based and that hurts his eyes, but after a recent blessing by Corellon no longer needs them.


code by jiko | bg photo by Unsplash