Soren Err



2 months, 30 days ago


Soren was just an ordinary young demon, living an innocent life with his parents, when one night, an otherworldly entity arrived in a sudden attack. His parents quickly stepped forward to protect their child as best they could, but were tragically killed while defending him. This experience traumatized Soren, not only from losing his parents, but also from being left with deep burn scars and being tormented by strange visions that nobody else gets.

In the following years, the trauma of the event and his strange visions began to take over his life. He attempted to ignore them, to avoid getting too scared, but even still, they would come back to him at random. It took a lot of time, but he eventually came to accept that he simply couldn't escape them. It also didn't help seeing them so often as his eyes were often drawn back up to the sky, reminding him of that tragic night all those years ago.