AU (Flynn)



3 months, 11 days ago


Canon Profile

This character is an original character, but has a fanon au versions. Most of the things are always same as the original; name, age, personality and vague idea of the characters. Only the setting and some details change.

Here is some of the versions of this character dropped in the world of some existing piece of media.


  • AGE Adult
  • SPECIES ??
  • OCCUPATION Courtesan/Masseur
  • RESIDENCE Vesuvia
  • Tarot The Sun
  • ??? Unknown


Working and living in the red lantern district of Vesuvia Flynn can be little bit wary of strangers. He always has an easy smile and few polite lines to tell for everyone though, and it's not actually difficult to befriend him. He is always ready to sit down and chat and knows the best food vendors in the city.



'The Apprentice'

Put a small blurb about your character here. This box will not scroll, but the height of this card and the other cards will change to match each other.

Proin tristique neque sed diam fringilla mollis. Praesent finibus laoreet imperdiet. Pellentesque habitant morbi



Put a small blurb about your character here. This box will not scroll, but the height of this card and the other cards will change to match each other.



Put a small blurb about your character here. This box will not scroll, but the height of this card and the other cards will change to match each other.



Put a small blurb about your character here. This box will not scroll, but the height of this card and the other cards will change to match each other.



Put a small blurb about your character here. This box will not scroll, but the height of this card and the other cards will change to match each other.



Put a small blurb about your character here. This box will not scroll, but the height of this card and the other cards will change to match each other.



Put a small blurb about your character here. This box will not scroll, but the height of this card and the other cards will change to match each other.

Proin tristique neque sed diam fringilla mollis.


Character Name

Put a small blurb about your character here. This box will not scroll, but the height of this card and the other cards will change to match each other.

Proin tristique neque sed diam fringilla mollis. Praesent finibus laoreet imperdiet. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nunc sollicitudin tortor odio, in mattis nibh ultrices ac.


Character Name

Put a small blurb about your character here. This box will not scroll, but the height of this card and the other cards will change to match each other.

Proin tristique neque sed diam fringilla mollis. Praesent finibus laoreet imperdiet. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nunc sollicitudin tortor odio, in mattis nibh ultrices ac. Maecenas tincidunt dui sed augue laoreet consequat.


Character Name

Put a small blurb about your character here. This box will not scroll, but the height of this card and the other cards will change to match each other.

Proin tristique neque sed diam fringilla mollis. Praesent finibus laoreet imperdiet. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nunc sollicitudin tortor odio, in mattis nibh ultrices ac.


  • AGE Unknown
  • SPECIES Unknown
  • OCCUPATION Unknown
  • RESIDENCE Unknown
  • ??? Unknown
  • ??? Unknown


Small blurb about the character in this au goes here.
Talk about the character here. The box with the image at the side will change height depending on how long your text is. Nulla euismod, turpis sed hendrerit lobortis, orci felis finibus libero, eu mollis est justo et massa. Pellentesque a finibus mauris, et scelerisque odio. Vestibulum quis dapibus tortor. Aliquam volutpat, nibh ac facilisis tempor, odio dolor pellentesque sapien, a blandit ligula risus ac orci. Aliquam vel tellus ac orci elementum vestibulum at eget risus. Duis non turpis malesuada, venenatis lectus sit amet, efficitur lacus. Sed ultrices tellus nec orci semper luctus. Suspendisse semper mauris at dolor euismod semper.

Donec nec justo sed ex placerat scelerisque. Fusce fringilla, diam non placerat laoreet, neque metus volutpat velit, sit amet ultrices mauris elit eget leo. Suspendisse efficitur iaculis arcu. Donec a metus vitae risus ultrices gravida. Cras ac sem orci. Donec nec feugiat velit. Praesent dictum sed mi eget mollis. Nulla facilisi. Maecenas sagittis enim nec facilisis interdum. Sed tempus viverra pretium. Donec finibus nec orci quis bibendum. Mauris condimentum metus tellus, id varius augue sodales eu. Suspendisse pulvinar lorem laoreet turpis vehicula maximus.



Character Name

Put a small blurb about your character here. This box will not scroll, but the height of this card and the other cards will change to match each other.

Proin tristique neque sed diam fringilla mollis. Praesent finibus laoreet imperdiet. Pellentesque habitant morbi


Character Name

Put a small blurb about your character here. This box will not scroll, but the height of this card and the other cards will change to match each other.


Character Name

Put a small blurb about your character here. This box will not scroll, but the height of this card and the other cards will change to match each other.


Character Name

Put a small blurb about your character here. This box will not scroll, but the height of this card and the other cards will change to match each other.


Character Name

Put a small blurb about your character here. This box will not scroll, but the height of this card and the other cards will change to match each other.


  • AGE Unknown
  • SPECIES Unknown
  • OCCUPATION Unknown
  • RESIDENCE Unknown
  • ??? Unknown
  • ??? Unknown


Small blurb about the character in this au goes here.
Talk about the character here. The box with the image at the side will change height depending on how long your text is. Nulla euismod, turpis sed hendrerit lobortis, orci felis finibus libero, eu mollis est justo et massa. Pellentesque a finibus mauris, et scelerisque odio. Vestibulum quis dapibus tortor. Aliquam volutpat, nibh ac facilisis tempor, odio dolor pellentesque sapien, a blandit ligula risus ac orci. Aliquam vel tellus ac orci elementum vestibulum at eget risus. Duis non turpis malesuada, venenatis lectus sit amet, efficitur lacus. Sed ultrices tellus nec orci semper luctus. Suspendisse semper mauris at dolor euismod semper.

Donec nec justo sed ex placerat scelerisque. Fusce fringilla, diam non placerat laoreet, neque metus volutpat velit, sit amet ultrices mauris elit eget leo. Suspendisse efficitur iaculis arcu. Donec a metus vitae risus ultrices gravida. Cras ac sem orci. Donec nec feugiat velit. Praesent dictum sed mi eget mollis. Nulla facilisi. Maecenas sagittis enim nec facilisis interdum. Sed tempus viverra pretium. Donec finibus nec orci quis bibendum. Mauris condimentum metus tellus, id varius augue sodales eu. Suspendisse pulvinar lorem laoreet turpis vehicula maximus.



Character Name

Put a small blurb about your character here. This box will not scroll, but the height of this card and the other cards will change to match each other.

Proin tristique neque sed diam fringilla mollis. Praesent finibus laoreet imperdiet. Pellentesque habitant morbi


Character Name

Put a small blurb about your character here. This box will not scroll, but the height of this card and the other cards will change to match each other.


Character Name

Put a small blurb about your character here. This box will not scroll, but the height of this card and the other cards will change to match each other.


Character Name

Put a small blurb about your character here. This box will not scroll, but the height of this card and the other cards will change to match each other.


Character Name

Put a small blurb about your character here. This box will not scroll, but the height of this card and the other cards will change to match each other.


  • AGE Unknown
  • SPECIES Unknown
  • OCCUPATION Unknown
  • RESIDENCE Unknown
  • ??? Unknown
  • ??? Unknown


Small blurb about the character in this au goes here.
Talk about the character here. The box with the image at the side will change height depending on how long your text is. Nulla euismod, turpis sed hendrerit lobortis, orci felis finibus libero, eu mollis est justo et massa. Pellentesque a finibus mauris, et scelerisque odio. Vestibulum quis dapibus tortor. Aliquam volutpat, nibh ac facilisis tempor, odio dolor pellentesque sapien, a blandit ligula risus ac orci. Aliquam vel tellus ac orci elementum vestibulum at eget risus. Duis non turpis malesuada, venenatis lectus sit amet, efficitur lacus. Sed ultrices tellus nec orci semper luctus. Suspendisse semper mauris at dolor euismod semper.

Donec nec justo sed ex placerat scelerisque. Fusce fringilla, diam non placerat laoreet, neque metus volutpat velit, sit amet ultrices mauris elit eget leo. Suspendisse efficitur iaculis arcu. Donec a metus vitae risus ultrices gravida. Cras ac sem orci. Donec nec feugiat velit. Praesent dictum sed mi eget mollis. Nulla facilisi. Maecenas sagittis enim nec facilisis interdum. Sed tempus viverra pretium. Donec finibus nec orci quis bibendum. Mauris condimentum metus tellus, id varius augue sodales eu. Suspendisse pulvinar lorem laoreet turpis vehicula maximus.



Character Name

Put a small blurb about your character here. This box will not scroll, but the height of this card and the other cards will change to match each other.

Proin tristique neque sed diam fringilla mollis. Praesent finibus laoreet imperdiet. Pellentesque habitant morbi


Character Name

Put a small blurb about your character here. This box will not scroll, but the height of this card and the other cards will change to match each other.


Character Name

Put a small blurb about your character here. This box will not scroll, but the height of this card and the other cards will change to match each other.


Character Name

Put a small blurb about your character here. This box will not scroll, but the height of this card and the other cards will change to match each other.


Character Name

Put a small blurb about your character here. This box will not scroll, but the height of this card and the other cards will change to match each other.


  • AGE Unknown
  • SPECIES Unknown
  • OCCUPATION Unknown
  • RESIDENCE Unknown
  • ??? Unknown
  • ??? Unknown


Small blurb about the character in this au goes here.
Talk about the character here. The box with the image at the side will change height depending on how long your text is. Nulla euismod, turpis sed hendrerit lobortis, orci felis finibus libero, eu mollis est justo et massa. Pellentesque a finibus mauris, et scelerisque odio. Vestibulum quis dapibus tortor. Aliquam volutpat, nibh ac facilisis tempor, odio dolor pellentesque sapien, a blandit ligula risus ac orci. Aliquam vel tellus ac orci elementum vestibulum at eget risus. Duis non turpis malesuada, venenatis lectus sit amet, efficitur lacus. Sed ultrices tellus nec orci semper luctus. Suspendisse semper mauris at dolor euismod semper.

Donec nec justo sed ex placerat scelerisque. Fusce fringilla, diam non placerat laoreet, neque metus volutpat velit, sit amet ultrices mauris elit eget leo. Suspendisse efficitur iaculis arcu. Donec a metus vitae risus ultrices gravida. Cras ac sem orci. Donec nec feugiat velit. Praesent dictum sed mi eget mollis. Nulla facilisi. Maecenas sagittis enim nec facilisis interdum. Sed tempus viverra pretium. Donec finibus nec orci quis bibendum. Mauris condimentum metus tellus, id varius augue sodales eu. Suspendisse pulvinar lorem laoreet turpis vehicula maximus.



Character Name

Put a small blurb about your character here. This box will not scroll, but the height of this card and the other cards will change to match each other.

Proin tristique neque sed diam fringilla mollis. Praesent finibus laoreet imperdiet. Pellentesque habitant morbi


Character Name

Put a small blurb about your character here. This box will not scroll, but the height of this card and the other cards will change to match each other.


Character Name

Put a small blurb about your character here. This box will not scroll, but the height of this card and the other cards will change to match each other.


Character Name

Put a small blurb about your character here. This box will not scroll, but the height of this card and the other cards will change to match each other.


Character Name

Put a small blurb about your character here. This box will not scroll, but the height of this card and the other cards will change to match each other.


  • AGE Unknown
  • SPECIES Unknown
  • OCCUPATION Unknown
  • RESIDENCE Unknown
  • ??? Unknown
  • ??? Unknown


Small blurb about the character in this au goes here.
Talk about the character here. The box with the image at the side will change height depending on how long your text is. Nulla euismod, turpis sed hendrerit lobortis, orci felis finibus libero, eu mollis est justo et massa. Pellentesque a finibus mauris, et scelerisque odio. Vestibulum quis dapibus tortor. Aliquam volutpat, nibh ac facilisis tempor, odio dolor pellentesque sapien, a blandit ligula risus ac orci. Aliquam vel tellus ac orci elementum vestibulum at eget risus. Duis non turpis malesuada, venenatis lectus sit amet, efficitur lacus. Sed ultrices tellus nec orci semper luctus. Suspendisse semper mauris at dolor euismod semper.

Donec nec justo sed ex placerat scelerisque. Fusce fringilla, diam non placerat laoreet, neque metus volutpat velit, sit amet ultrices mauris elit eget leo. Suspendisse efficitur iaculis arcu. Donec a metus vitae risus ultrices gravida. Cras ac sem orci. Donec nec feugiat velit. Praesent dictum sed mi eget mollis. Nulla facilisi. Maecenas sagittis enim nec facilisis interdum. Sed tempus viverra pretium. Donec finibus nec orci quis bibendum. Mauris condimentum metus tellus, id varius augue sodales eu. Suspendisse pulvinar lorem laoreet turpis vehicula maximus.



Character Name

Put a small blurb about your character here. This box will not scroll, but the height of this card and the other cards will change to match each other.

Proin tristique neque sed diam fringilla mollis. Praesent finibus laoreet imperdiet. Pellentesque habitant morbi


Character Name

Put a small blurb about your character here. This box will not scroll, but the height of this card and the other cards will change to match each other.


Character Name

Put a small blurb about your character here. This box will not scroll, but the height of this card and the other cards will change to match each other.


Character Name

Put a small blurb about your character here. This box will not scroll, but the height of this card and the other cards will change to match each other.


Character Name

Put a small blurb about your character here. This box will not scroll, but the height of this card and the other cards will change to match each other.

Code by Aurorean