


2 months, 30 days ago


Kirby Harris Vadrone
aliases: Kirby
gender: Male — He/Him
orientation: Panromantic
born: 09/16/2100, 18 years old
species: Cagon
occupation: Chosen
residence: unnamed captial, Corvanus
height: X'XX" / XXX cm
status: Alive; healthy

Hatched to Russet Vadrone and Mothdred Vadrone. He never met his father, for Moth had passed away before Kirby hatched. Kirby was homeschooled by his mother, which is why he didn't have many friends. His 18th birthday marked his offical Chosen ceremony.

  • Kirby is rather outgoing and enjoys meeting new people.
  • He sometimes takes a minute to read the room.
  • He's also clumsy, which is made clear after he dropped and broke the Chosen Orb.
  • Kirby has ADHD. He has trouble focusing and staying on-task.

  • Kirby is a bit above average in strenght, for he participated in weaponry training. He's best with dual wielding daggers.
  • He's smaller than the average Chosen, but regular sized compared to non-Chosen.
  • He's scared of spiders.
Sylvia Superior
Kirby gets a bit nervous around Sylvia due to her being the Head Chosen. She's tough on him, but not in a malicious way.
Russet Mother
Kirby has a positive relationship with his mother, though Russet tends to pressure Kirby to go in certain directions.
Asher Friend
Asher and Kirby seem close. They often spend a lot of time together, though Asher's feelings seem to go beyond just friendship...
Cassie Friend
Cassie and Kirby clicked almost instantly. The pair are both outgoing, though sometimes Cassie can't keep up with Kirby's energy.