Aquamarine (Mischievous Lapis Lazuli)



3 months, 14 days ago

Basic Info




At first considered as "lost" or just "troublesome", this Lapis Lazuli could always be seen wandering around, putting tricks and jokes to anyone she thinks deserves it. She got ... in trouble quite a lot, and might've been even shattered if one of her sick jokes reached a high-ranked gem. Luckily enough for her, she always tried to focus on low-ranks, like quartzes and pearls (the latter are the reasons why she got in trouble so much : the supervisors of said pearls ... didn't took it as intended !) ... until it reached a Peridot.

This gem was tall and seemingly important, so she got scared when she got approached by the green gem. But ... the Peridot took it as it was meant to be, a joke. Seeing the state of the gem, and how the others around were talking about her, she brought her into her supposed 'court' and was assigned to work with 'Monocle' for some time (the surname was given by the Lapis the first time she saw the Peridot, and it stuck-) as "punishment" by Glitteridot. Emphasis on the 'punishment', because it's technically not, Monocle always asked for help, but no one seemed competent enough to be that help ... After that, she could do whatever she wanted. Getting in the streets again, working for the Shoal Court ... or staying as an assistant.

At first still in her troublesome grindset, she learned to be calmed down and to be focused, especially if she wanted to do other things that just being some sort of assistant ... which she ended up becoming, after giving some genuinely good ideas for some projects, including a Chrysolite's mechanical arm ! The more she spent time with the Peridot, the more she felt ... renewed, reborn. She spent a lot of her lifetime being that bratty gem (which doesn't help when you know she's smaller than 'regular' Lapis Lazulis), and now she could feel useful in a good way ... She even tried to talk about fusing with Monocle, telling her that, if it works with other gems, it might work for them and benefit the two of them ! But she was almost always getting declined. Until that day, when no one was in the Embassy, they tried to fuse ... but instantly defused. Monocle explained it was because she was scared of consequences and, despite her thirst for knowing how it felt, she couldn't go further. Which the Lapis ... understood to a personal level. They ended up keeping the fusion in Era 3, with Garnet's lessons about fusion at Little Homeschool.