KumoZaki Rei



5 years, 9 months ago


Group name: Dokuchou ( meaning " poison butterfly " )
Division: Nakameguro
position : 2nd member
Age: 19
Likes: working, Hifumi, Dokuchou family
Dislikes: not doing anything, not helping, women.
Height: 5'

Occupation: all around employee ( cook/dishwasher/laundry maid/janitor )
Rap music instruments: chimes, acoustic, piano, music box, harp and/or violin.

WARNING:  I MADE THIS OC WITH HINTS OF SHIPPING TO HIFUMI. DONT LIKE CANON X OC SHIP? JUST KINDLY CLOSE THIS. also im not good at writing so im sorry if its confusing.  

Story: Her mother left her with her father after her father refused to give her mother the hypnotic microphone he bought and is saving as a gift for her daughter's 18 birthday. After the division of women to men, and women started to have more power. Her father had been fired and blacklisted from a lot of companies due to her mother being friends with a lot influential women who owns said companies. Her father struggled to even get a stable job because of this Rei seeing this as she grew up decided to stop studying after graduating from high school and proceed to working And has been the one to work for her and her father. Juggling morning afternoon and night jobs. She also starts losing sleep once her father started getting sick. One day she got a job offer from her senpai at work. An all around job at a host club at shinjuku. The red light district. With a very high pay. More than with all her jobs combined So she went to apply there And became the cook/dishwasher/laundry maid/janitor for that place.

It was a lot of work but the pay was good and she only had to work for 12 hours. 12 pm to 12 am so working there . She met this womanizer. She had to admit. He really IS good looking. Developing a secret small crush on him. IZANAMI HIFUMI. the name of the guy who just up and said that he would start calling her "Reirei" He kept addressing Rei as "him" but Rei didn't mind since she does wear her fathers hand-me-down clothes. So Reirei worked there everyday starting then. Taking notice about how Hifumi becomes a different person once he wears his host attire. Yet she would keep quiet about it since seeing all the different side of Hifumi was enough yo make her smile. Silently admiring him. Hifumi would also bug her everyday and sometimes bringing her along to hang out with his best friend Doppo But she doesn't stay with them long and only even just 30 minutes because shes more concerned about her father One day from taking too much overtime as her father's condition got worse. Even working 22 hours a day. She finally fell from fatigue. Hifumi's boss brought her to the hospital and Hifumi only found out about it after he finished with one his customers. He quickly rushed over to where Rei was along with Doppo who also became good friends with Rei. Hifumi also called Jakurai out of panic Thus Jakurai finally seeing this Rei that Hifumi and Doppo talks about a lot

At the hospital Jakurai notices that this girl is familiar He saw her before. That's right. This was the girl in the blacklist for all clinics. She was in the black list but not because of her. Its to warn the workers about her father. Her father was blacklisted not only on female owned companies but also on a lot of landlords community and hospitals He kept quiet about it for now and when he left the hospital he decided to find out more about this girl He found out that his father was blacklisted to a lot of hospitals and was sick. He also found out that her father wasn't just sick He has cancer Stage 4 cancer( which cancer i leave it up to your imaginations) Apparently. The doctors was bribed to give Rei's father fake medicine so his cancer would progress normally and eventually just die.

When Rei got all better . Her birthday was a week later. His father gave her a gift. Hifumi isn't here nor is Doppo Since Hifumi doesn't know about her birthday. Since she didn't really say anything to them about it nor anything much about herself. The gift was the hypnosis microphone. He told her that it was finally time for her to have it and he was glad to be able to give it to her up to this moment. So night came they went to sleep By the next day Her father isn't waking up He was cold. Stiff. Pale.

She quickly sent a message from her boss that she will be taking a week off. Since shes been taking a lot of overtimes. Her boss accepted and let her off since it was also raining heavily outside, it really is better if she stays home for a while and fully recover. But Hifumi found this strange. So the same day, Hifumi Doppo and Jakurai was together trying to record one of their rap background music When Hifumi told Jakurai about how Rei was absent. And that his boss told him Rei will not be working for a week due to emergency reasons. At first Jakurai told Hifumi why he kept calling Reirei "he" when Rei is a girl. Hifumi didn't believe him for a bit but eventually realizes " oh shit. No wonder she doesn't wanna go to the hot springs with us " Then Jakurai, with a wondering and worry expression finally said it " could it be that she took time off from work as her father finally fell to his death? It seems to fit the days left in him after all. " Hifumi all confused asked what he meant and he told Hifumi about everything he found out about Rei. Because of this Hifumi rushed out to find Rei despite the heavy rain. She wasn't answering her phone. Hes worried REALLY WORRIED. He found her at the cemetery. Where she was crying. All muddied up. Apparently Even funerals refused to give her father a proper burial And she had to bury him herself. Shes there Crying silently As she digs up a grave for her dad Saying " i'm sorry.. i'm sorry.. i'm sorry " again and again with dead eyes Hifumi arriving there.. soon after , Doppo also arrived. They all couldn't believe that even at Rei's fathers death they would be treated like this. Hifumi quickly grabbed the shovel from her but when he did.. she finally broke down Screaming " I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY! " Doppo couldn't help but also cry at the sight Hifumi hugged her also crying Telling her " you've done so much already.. we're here now... you're not alone.... " Doppo also joins the hug. In the end Jakurai finds them and they all take Rei and the corpse of her dad to one of Jakurai's private clinic morgue And helped her give her father a proper burial.

Still unstable. Rei wouldn't talk much. Blaming herself for everything like she always did After Rei's dad had been properly buried the next day. She immediately disappears to her home. Hifumi worried trailed her finally knowing where she live At the rundown apartment at the edge of the town Also finding out that its actually an ABANDONED apartment that just happens to have a functioning electrical wiring. She goes there to open her fathers gift to her again only to find out a secret compartment in the mic box with a letter

" To my dearest daughter Rei,

If you're reading this it means my cancer have finally got me. I'm sorry for not telling you . But this microphone was actually bought by me for your mother. When i found out about her plan of killing people our of jealousy through this microphone i knew i had to stop her. Your mother is no longer herself and has been blinded by greed. I knew i had to take it and hide it away. But through out the years i've seen how your heart has become pure and kind despite our situation. And i knew i can trust you with this best. I'm sorry if you didnt have any friends. I'm sorry you had to work early to support me when i should be the one doing that. I'm also sorry for not telling you about the fake medicines the doctors gave me. Yes. I knew. Your mother refused to forgive me after all. Even then i still want to give you all i can thus this microphone. I hope this microphone helps you have a better life. You may sell it if you would like for it is a very very valuable item now. Im sure you can choose the right person with a good heart to sell this to. please do not be sad my child for i will be watching over you. Please continue living your life and make friends. Find a dream . Keep moving forward. I love you my child.

Your loving father always and forever, Kumozaki Takehito "

She doesn't sell it though but keeps it. Her only memento from her father. When Hifumi hears her crying. He bust into her room and found her holding the microphone. She tells him its her dad's final gift for her while she sobs. Still broken. Hifumi hugs her tight this time. Caressing her back and rubbing her head talking in a low comforting tone " i'm here now. You're okay. You're not alone. I will keep you safe from now on." While also having a very dangerous look in his eyes. Hifumi's fear of women was no longer present. Instead that fear Became hatred. But not towards Rei. He will protect Rei with all that he's got from now on. Everything else be damned. Especially all the women who did this to Rei. His Rei.