


3 months, 16 days ago


Name Surname
A longer tag
An even longer tag

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent quis eros sit amet lorem malesuada dictum ac et odio. Etiam sit amet sapien in felis posuere commodo nec eget tortor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris posuere urna tortor, nec laoreet leo posuere congue. Pellentesque tristique, arcu ut tempor scelerisque, orci ex bibendum magna, in vehicula odio ex non augue. Aenean euismod metus et suscipit tempor.

Ut sit amet nunc vulputate, commodo nunc non, elementum massa. In aliquam faucibus neque, quis facilisis eros posuere nec. Ut nulla magna, vehicula sit amet nisl at, accumsan rutrum elit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Phasellus ut libero et enim malesuada fringilla. Etiam vitae rutrum nulla. Nam nec elit in sem mollis fermentum. Aenean volutpat imperdiet tristique. Donec ultricies risus sem.











Song Name - Artist

late 20s/early 30s . Hawaiian Bobtail Squid

She was the leader of Bea's [youth] collective for three years before defecting to the Organization. She joined in order to keep a handle on their internal workings, worried that they would get too big for their britches. Her worry was ultimately very very founded, but she got so deep into it with higher beings around that she could no longer leak information back home... And eventually, she started believing in their cause. She slowly became more and more complicit in their schemes, and got promoted further up the ladder. 

During this time, her collective is part of those abducted for research purposes. She doesn't know about this until after. When she finds out, a blind rage consumes her and she escapes, leaving a trail of destruction in her wake. Of course, they could've stopped her, but they're really just tracking her; a motivated rogue can be very valuable in determining the enemy's movements.

She feels an overwhelming guilt for abandoning her charges. Some of them died, and the others are still afflicted by whatever research was conducted on them, whether mentally or physically. Too afraid to face them, she spends most of her time drowning her sorrows.

She ends up seeing Bea out in the wild (~2020) and Eve is able to determine what the cost was to her immediately. She becomes fixated on her, petrified that she's halfshifted in public and consumingly worried about her wellbeing. Bea eventually notices her and says hello, mildly suspicious, and Eve realizes: her memory is gone too. Eve flees, but maintains a distant eye on her. It's the only thing that keeps her present.

Ultimately, this does mean that the Organization has a direct link to Bea's status and location...

Wouldn't it be messed up if some enhancement she's received was directly based on testing done around Bea