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User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:

freebies cannot be sold/traded regardless of added value. if you dont like this rule, then dont claim freebies from me :)


» anyone under 15 years of age

» you are a supporter of "lesboys"(men who identify as lesbians) This, of course, does not include trans women! trans women are women. im talking about people who identify as men and still claim to be lesbians. Same goes for the opposite equivalent, i dont think that one has a term though

» transtrenders and people who believe you dont need dysphoria to be trans

» people who hate villains for being bad people, to the point where they start harassing people who like said character. example Valentino (cmon. they're villains. that's the whole point.)

» people who support money focused closed species. we don't need capitalism in the furry community, we already have plenty of that outside of it

» people who buy/support buying mass produced fursuit parts. this includes if you "can't afford a handmade fursuit!", just don't get one then, youre mocking the artistry that are fursuits

» people who mock/hate vegans. I am vegan.

» Stolitz shippers - just for my personal comfort. ship whatever you want just don't interact with me

» Fujoshis - yes, this includes if you read yaoi. i dont care if you dont label yourself a fujoshi, reading yaoi automatically makes you one - yaoi isnt bl. its fetish content.

» fictive and "non trauma formed" DID systems.

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