HR Cherokee Hawk



3 months, 11 days ago


HR Cherokee Hawk "Hawkeye"

    | About | 

Rich Dark Bay Semi Leopard Appaloosa (Ee Aa nLp patn1)


Stallion (8+yr old)

Personality: Hawkeye is a very observant stallion, always watching, always looking, always staring off into the distance. He has a lot of pent of energy from his time on the track, and he never really recovered from his premature retirement. He just wants to run, and play, and be a horse. He is very stoic, he holds his head up with pride. He is also a very quiet stallion, with kind eyes - though he does have his stud-ish moments from time to time. He has a big heart and put his all into everything he does - even if he lacked the speed required on the track he made up for it in his heart and determination, putting his all into everything and exhausting himself because of it. *he can be a bit of a show off when it comes to mares*

- Won't walk calmly unless on his own terms (unaided by people) *when walking on a lead he will toss his head, and prance - as if he is still an active racer.

History: Hawkeye started out on the track as a 2 & 3yr old, - and wasn't very successful. Retired from the track early, he was repurposed into a Ranch & Roping stud - after 4 years he was officially retired from work after tearing a ligament. Retiring to stud at Hermosa, as Hermosa saw potential in him as a sire in their ApHC & POA program.

    | Lineage |

Sire: *unknown

Dam: *unknown

    | Discipline |

    All Around (Halter, Ranch, Cutting, Roping, etc...)

    | Show Career |
Unsuccessful in his racing career - Nothing note worthy about his short showing career - Retired to stud & can be shown in Halter