Karter Kramer



2 months, 24 days ago


Karter U. Kramer
Karter Kramer
In Bloom Nirvana

Spider EYE is a morally ambiguous super person, under the foraml name of Karter Ulises Kramer (decendant german or latin?) he bitten by a spider when he was aggitating it as a young boy. His suit design is referenced off 2011 mmu spider with 1994 inspo. Achem major. Suit is primarily orange and blue, focusing on his own mobility, comfort and convenience. The spider is the obvious main focus in the middle, loose pants to about his knees, coms system and side pouch holding various alternative web fluids is made as support from his best friend. Spider EYE's best friend was Gryffin Stacy, this universes Prowler whos design is inspired by world 1610's prowler and some of world 42's. His design is focus black, white, and purple (based on the original comic prowler, mech major, deseased). His powers include being able to sense his surroundings within a few feet, being dependant on how sharp his focus is (also triggering very fast reflexes), He can see vibrations, able to evaluate peoples emotions n other by pulse, he is also very sensitive to touch. world insp by earth 42 and world 50101? Fight "cop" figure of his world (masked utopia) (DAD- never knew him?)

SS (Spider Dude / Tadashi Norez) ends up after killing prowler and gf dying feeling bad & left own universe, exploring and meeting different spiders with hobie. they make their own wrist band things. AS & LS gets stuck in DS through black hole. SS really guilty after killing DP and wants to do good (maybe w bad?). AS tought by hobie, mom baker, dad police (deceased).