estella maria li



2 months, 22 hours ago


name ; estella maria li
age ; 20
pronouns ; she/her
occupation ; coroner
birthday ; september 24th
orientation ; lesbian
likes ; the occult , black coffee
dislikes ; men , the color "seafoam"
personality ; a complex individual known for being somewhat of a perfectionist , this trait can often lead to her being overly harsh on herself and easily discouraged by obstacles in her way . estella holds high standards for what she believes to be correct , this can make it difficult for her to connect with others , and she can be quite private and guarded . however , with the right person , estella can be easy-going and even somewhat playful . estella has a tendency to judge too quickly , which can cause distrust between her and others . she can even be cruel if pushed to that point . beneath this harsh exterior lies a woman with a number of positive qualities . estella is known for being dependable , responsible, and level-headed in stressful situations , able to disconnect emotionally to keep priorities . she is someone who can always be counted on to keep her promises . despite these good things , estella struggles to see things outside of her own perspective and can be quite selfish at times .

extra info ; 

really good sense of smell. like terrifyingly, especially when it's blood. could probably tell when someone is on their period.

whenever there is a "jane/john doe" corpse on her slab, estella will sometimes create little identities for them. at least until it's actually discovered, but then she gets sad.

one time she tried to pull a prank on her father by getting dressed in scrubs and laying on the slab to act as a corpse, he walked in and almost started analyzing her and when she got up to scare him, he screamed bloody murder. estella found this VERY funny.

even though she was bullied by a ton of her classmates, she was responsible for tutoring them even when she was pulled out of school. those guys were dumb as hell.

her stance is either hunched over to appear meek, or she stands straight up to seem alert.

estella is always fumbling with her hands one way or another, she can't keep them still, but this is just because she's normally used to being busy at her slab.

can fall asleep anywhere if she needs to, has fallen asleep at her slab after countless all-nighters, this is why she also likes coffee.

estella can fit into very tight spaces, this started when she hid from her bullies in small cubbies and places they couldn't reach.

estella knows niche medical facts, like how honey and garlic are natural antiseptics.

she can also mimic the sounds of animals. specifically a dog’s bark, a cat’s purring, and the calls of crows, ravens, and mourning doves.

she’s very fascinated with the human body, especially the discussion of how a person can bite off their finger like a baby carrot, and if you lose a pinky, that’s 33 percent of your grip strength gone.

she has a pet beetle, and thinks it’s immortal. while some beetles CAN live up to a year, this specific type she has only lives for a few weeks. her father replaces it with a similar one each time the last one dies, and she doesn’t notice.

estella knows how to prepare raw meat and eat it that way. she also has knowledge of how to prepare human meat safely.

while estella isn’t strong, she knows certain pinpoints to temporarily paralyze an opponent, but she’d never tell anyone this.

big fan of watching nature, specifically bugs and deer! she’ll also watch crows sometimes if they’re around. she leaves them seeds and stuff. she will mainly go into the woods and see if she can find wolves or vultures eating a dead deer or something. sometimes she's stayed so long to wait to try it herself.

does not like certain nicknames. ie; “bro” or any variation. she prefers to be called by her name unless it’s something like dear.

very oblivious when someone compliments her appearance. she thinks they’re lying, sadly..

has a pretty good singing voice, as long as she doesn’t strain herself. she was in choir when she still went to school.

gets really excited when she sees corpses. whether it’s human or animal, it thrills her. sometimes she gets too exhilarated and may touch it when she’s not supposed to, like without gloves or proper equipment.

her ‘signature scent’ ranges from either pure on alcohol antiseptic or it can sometimes be a flowery, white musky smell.