


2 months, 29 days ago


Heinrik was born to a noble family that had immigrated to Mount Gelmir to prosper further in the Lands Between. Heinrik's family would become merchants who would sell important items to travelers. The family would make plenty of runes, but in turn, make them a prominent target. One day when Heinrik was playing nearby in the Altus Plateau, Heinrik was kidnapped by an Abductor Virgin. When he woke up he was under the hostage of two men including Sir Gideon Ofnir and an unknown sorcerer. They were looking for the second half of the Haligtree Secret Medallion that Sir Gideon suspected was with the family. After, some painful torture methods on the young child, Heinrik would regrettably reveal where the medallion was. After getting the information that Gideon wanted, Heinrik would be ransomed for a crazy amount of runes. In a desperate attempt to get their son back, Heinrik's family mercenaries to get their son back. This attempt would go wrong and result in the sorcerer being enraged. He would take his anger out on the boy and curse him to a "fate worse than death." Using a mixture of different magics and curses, the sorcerer would transform Heinrik into a Fallingstar Beast as punishment for his parent's transgressions.

Heinrik would stay near the cave where he was held hostage feeding on the remains of the mercenaries and any creature that unsuspectedly came across him. Romulus and his party would come into the cave one day to take refugees from a nasty rainstorm. When Heinrik sensed that they were deep enough in the cave he would try and spring his ambush. However, Terach's spirits and Exiliumsax's Lightning were too overwhelming for Heinrik to handle. Just as Heinrik was about to be struck down he would use his little strength to use his old voice asking for mercy. Romulus would call off the attack and investigate the boy's claim. Romulus would enter a spiritual subconscious realm and defeat a spiritual version of Astel holding the boy hostage. After defeating the spiritual version, Romulus would walk over to the boy and remove the blindfold that had been on since he was interrogated. By doing so, Heinrik would finally open his eye and become a Full-grown Fallingstar Beast.

When both Heinrik and Romulus wake up, his voice returns to him and apologizes for attacking them. After explaining his predicament, Romulus and his friends would try to help him find out what happened to his parents and if he could get his original body restored. When it was discovered that both his parents were murdered by the merchant killer, Terach would collect their spirits and have a heartfelt reunion. Heinrik knew that Romulus and his group could be trusted, he would join them in the hope that his body could be restored and that justice could be served upon Sir Gideon and the sorcerer that cursed him.

When he was first a Fallingstar Beast, he would attack any tarnished or humanoid creature fearing that the sorcerer who cursed him would return to finish the job. However, when Romulus releases him from his hostage state, the child that he was before comes out. Despite his intimidating size, Heinrik is a very caring young child. He cares about anyone that he views as his family including the group. Even with this in mind, Henrik can be very childish and reckless which can be a problem considering his bigger size now, though he does not mean this unintentionally.