Mr. Sun



3 months, 10 days ago


Mr. Sun owes a butt-ton of money to a loan shark. His ex-wife, Cattora, left him over this. He now runs Mr. Sun's Fun Emporium, a successful small-scale amusement park for kids complete with games, rides, prizes, and mascots that are just legally distinct versions of popular characters. He isn't quite as strict with safety standards as he should be. His goal is to make enough money to pay off the loan shark so Cattora will take him back. Then, they can retire and he will move in with her (she lives on the moon). But is this really the right path for him...? Maybe he will realize how much he enjoys running the amusement park and how happy it makes all the kids who come there.

Mr. Sun gets all the energy he needs from the sun. He can eat, but he doesn't need to unless he is out of the sun for a long time.

Mr. Sun gets annoyed when people ask him about what kind of animal he is. One question he gets a lot is "are you a cat or a dog?" His response is always "no".

This character, including his story, came from a dream I had!

(Description: Canine-adjacent creature with yellow fur, the color of butter. He has big, pointy ears, a long-ish snout, and a long, thin, fluffy tail. He walks upright and he is tall and skinny. He wears a purple baseball cap, a purple T-shirt with his amusement park's logo on it, and jorts. When he is low on energy, his fur turns light gray, his ears droop, and he gets bags under his eyes.)

(Cattora has light orange-purple-ish fur, a wide build, and red hair in a messy bun.)