Silly String



2 months, 3 days ago


Name: Unknown
Nicknames: Silly, Golden
Alias: Silly String

Gender: Non-binary
Pronouns: She / Him
Age: 24
Sexuality: Heterosexual

Species: Duck
Body Type: Short


A very strange person, Silly String is best known for the online podcast she runs, which is well known across Duckburg and St. Canard at this point. He prefers to hide her own intelligence under her sillier nature and persona, often emphasising it because she'd rather people think she's a goofball then someone really smart, it's just his own preference. He tends to keep to himself in public, though he doesn't really like to go out or be seen in public due to her unique looks. It's less she hates how he looks, and more she hates the stairs he gets from others, that's why they like being themselves on the internet and on the podcast.

Shush file?: Yes
Due to her mutant status, SHUSH has kept a small eye on him her whole life.

Unique Features: Two pairs of arms & chest 'heart'
Silly has two fully functional, full sized pairs of arms, having been born with them, she's pretty confident in using them both and doesn't struggle with her day to day.

-Her podcast is pretty well known as both a form of entertainment but also a sort of conspiracy platform
-He loves playing games, he loves to make basically everything he does in her life a game to make it interesting for him
-She thinks this new 'Darkwing Duck' hero is really interesting