
3 months, 12 days ago


Name: Fate
Title: God of Death and Destruction
Species: God/Silverbeard
Age: Immortal
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Aroace
Magic type: Destruction
Japanese Voice Claim: Shotaro Morikubo (Sharrkan)

Family: Destiny (older sister)

Fate is the younger sibling of two Domov gods, who took it upon himself to see to it that evil in the world can never flourish too much. In ancient times, he and his sister would visit the mortal world and mingle with its inhabitants. It is here where Fate learned of the existence of Nightmare, the lord of all evil. He set out to confront him and the two ended up in a fight that lasted for seven entire days. Right before Fate could strike the final blow, Nightmare used his powers to fuse his own essence to Fate, making it so he could not be killed. From that moment on, Fate carried Nightmare's essence within his own soul. This caused his once silver beard to turn black as the night sky, with only a few specs of light as stars. In addition, this made it so that Fate could only manifest in the mortal realm during nighttime. 

For centuries, Fate was able to withstand Nightmare's constant presence within himself, but over the course of time, his defenses weakened until he eventually succumbed, allowing Nightmare to take over. In order to fight him, Destiny enlisted the help of the Power of Seven to subdue him and free Fate from his influence. 

Despite his title, Fate is actually a very friendly and outgoing guy to those who do not incur his wrath. He has a genuine interest in mortals and is enamored by how they make the most of their fleeting existence, fueling his desire to protect them. When facing monsters, demons and other evildoers, Fate shows no mercy and will strike enemies down without remorse.