Scavengers (Species)



2 months, 3 days ago



Scavengers are normally large, humanoid beings with rodent features. They are known to be collectors and will "scavenge" around for things, hence the name scavengers.


Hair- Scavengers commonly have a lot of hair, which often is fluffy or spikey. Their hair is luckily kept well groomed. They do have bangs i just didnt give them any in the example for reference simplicity.

Eyes- Scavangers have ➗ pupils.

Tail- Scavengers have long tails with thick bases. Scavenges often use their tails to hang from places, defend themselves, or other small tasks.

Ears- Scavengers have ears that somewhat droop, they can be small but some can be larger.

Nose- They can have small rodent noses, although that is optional.

Whiskers- Scavengers have 4 sets of whiskers, two near the upper cheek of their face on each side, and two closer to the chin on both sides. Their length can vary.

Legs- Scavangers are digitigrade and have pointy, slightly curved feet that they stand up on.

Fur- Scavengers have a small amout of fur on their abdomen area, their fur can be any number of natural fur colors.

Height- Scavengers can get up to 8 feet tall, despite how big they are, scavengers are quite fast and agile, and can climb very well.

Extra- They can wear shirts and different pants ( i just didnt have any examples lol), hair length is also variable.