


5 years, 10 months ago


Name: Angelo Noir

Average citizens of the city of Fringe would pay him no mind, but those involved in the seedy underbelly know him quite well as a very dangerous man. Angelo is the eldest of twin sons created to act as 'kill dogs' for their crime lord mother. Yes, created. Reports have it that Angelo and his twin Dante are the first two children to survive Ms. Lovely's experimentation to somehow meld both Shade and Talent into one person, authorized by Lucien himself who generously donated some of his genetic material to facilitate the research. As a result of Lucien's powerful magic, Angelo was born with properties of both Talents and Shades: a Talent, developing metal generation which allows him to create metallic structures from his own body, as well as creating a temporary pair of leathery wings allowing for flight, along with a high rate of self healing. And a Shade, inheriting the gift of magic sight allowing him to see everyone who possesses a Talent no matter how weak, and temporary apparating allowing him to dissolve into an untouchable shadow. Due to his strength Angelo was trained and raised up to be an 'attack dog' of sorts for his mother and whatever Elite's contract him for work through her. You want him to protect an illegal shipment of weapons and drugs? Need a problematic person taken out? He's your man. Due to his unique numerous abilities most never see him coming, appearing out of the shadows to do his job before slinking back into the darkness.

He is extremely good at his job, and he gets a bit of joy perpetuating violence onto others as a way to vent and channel his loathing, it's the only thing that helps keep him sane. Because due to his usefulness Angelo suffers a great deal at the hands of his mother, who keeps a tight chain of control around his neck and expects absolute perfection using earning her affection and love as reward, as well as his twin brother Dante who burns with hatred for him, jealous of Angelo's strength and the attention he gets from his position as the 'favorite' son. When Angelo isn't completing orders or fighting, you can often find him brooding in the darkest abandoned corners of Fringe taking out his frustration through self harm or tagging walls with explicit graffiti. Deep down he wishes he could leave his shitty life behind and live a boring average existence as a normal person. While working Angelo dons a blue samurai half mask his mother 'acquired' to hide his identity.

Talent: metal generation, temporary wings/flight, accelerated healing, temporary apparition, magic sight