


3 months, 20 days ago



Moira is in the Court of Savras, a collective of aasimar which are highly trusted by him. Her specific task is that she is one of the assimar which helps in delivering minor blessings onto his followers, though of course she cannot alter any events of fate or anything like that, for her god himself cannot. This mostly relates to affecting psychic readings, tarot or otherwise, as well as giving prophecies through dreams. 

She fancies herself a bit of a "guardian angel" and has taken a liking to many of the followers Savras has. She isn't allowed to show herself much really to them, for the blessings are from savras for which she is mearly the messenger, but she does sometimes play favorites.

Moira also desperately wants to be highly reguarded by her God, wanting his approval more than anything in the world. She would degrade herself and disregard her wants for that, hoping to become his favorite. She hasn't quite gotten there, for he is very distant by nature, but she holds out hope. Unfortunately, it seems her devotion is more of a useful asset, rather than something that will actually show her results. Moira herself has yet to see the reality of their roles and place as many of the other aasimar in her midst have. I would say she's less naive about this though, and more just in denial. 

Personality-wise, she can be a bit of a brat. Kind of a pick-me in a way, but she just wants daddy's love alright. She also sometimes speaks quite cryptically, even to her peers. It's mostly out of habit from giving prophecies and the like, but it drives her other aasimar a bit crazy. Just be normal !!!

Design Notes:
- Shes supposed to have three sets of wings on her back, but the bottom set is kinda hard to see in my reference drawing OOPS LOL
- She has little feathers scattered on her body that often shed. This trait is Falin-inspired I think its super cute haha.