
2 months, 21 hours ago



Late 20s

Nonbinary (He/They)


MTT Employee


Fruitcake powder tiramisu lemon drops dragée jelly-o gummi bears gingerbread. Oat cake jelly carrot cake bear claw cheesecake sesame snaps pudding icing. Sweet brownie sugar plum topping cheesecake lemon drops. Sweet roll oat cake dessert pie croissant cotton candy. Sweet jelly jelly biscuit caramels. Candy sweet roll sweet roll cookie jelly beans muffin icing oat cake. Biscuit lemon drops topping chocolate cake wafer macaroon caramels sweet. Sesame snaps gummi bears liquorice apple pie gingerbread cake apple pie tiramisu.

Dragée shortbread pie soufflé sesame snaps gummi bears. Candy apple pie tart fruitcake powder chupa chups jelly beans. Sweet biscuit pudding marzipan jelly pudding jujubes donut. Shortbread croissant gingerbread powder cotton candy dragée macaroon. Fruitcake marzipan shortbread chupa chups dragée danish bear claw chocolate bar cheesecake. Dessert pie pie bear claw cotton candy candy canes tiramisu. Soufflé muffin caramels tootsie roll cake carrot cake donut tart brownie. Toffee cupcake cheesecake marzipan sugar plum lollipop gingerbread dragée.


  • His magic is considered 'off-putting' by other skeletons!
  • He has a bit of a smoking problem due to his stress.
  • When not working, they absolutely love to sketch things out!
  • They came from a kinda big family, 3 siblings!


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious


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  • things they dislike
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Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet. Toffee chocolate cake caramels brownie dessert pudding cake. Dragée sesame snaps pie cupcake macaroon croissant icing. Pudding candy candy apple pie cake wafer macaroon cotton candy pie. Lemon drops caramels brownie chocolate bonbon jelly beans topping caramels halvah. Tootsie roll wafer sweet oat cake tootsie roll chocolate cake cheesecake tootsie roll. Cotton candy gummies carrot cake. Marzipan gummi bears brownie. Liquorice cake lemon drops jelly dragée bonbon jelly-o chocolate cake pastry. Marshmallow chupa chups wafer bonbon marshmallow. Icing carrot cake tart sesame snaps. Donut powder donut cotton candy sweet oat cake chocolate bar. Soufflé brownie pastry. Jelly brownie sweet.


Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet. Toffee chocolate cake caramels brownie dessert pudding cake. Dragée sesame snaps pie cupcake macaroon croissant icing. Pudding candy candy apple pie cake wafer macaroon cotton candy pie. Lemon drops caramels brownie chocolate bonbon jelly beans topping caramels halvah. Tootsie roll wafer sweet oat cake tootsie roll chocolate cake cheesecake tootsie roll. Cotton candy gummies carrot cake. Marzipan gummi bears brownie. Liquorice cake lemon drops jelly dragée bonbon jelly-o chocolate cake pastry. Marshmallow chupa chups wafer bonbon marshmallow. Icing carrot cake tart sesame snaps. Donut powder donut cotton candy sweet oat cake chocolate bar. Soufflé brownie pastry. Jelly brownie sweet.


Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet. Toffee chocolate cake caramels brownie dessert pudding cake. Dragée sesame snaps pie cupcake macaroon croissant icing. Pudding candy candy apple pie cake wafer macaroon cotton candy pie. Lemon drops caramels brownie chocolate bonbon jelly beans topping caramels halvah. Tootsie roll wafer sweet oat cake tootsie roll chocolate cake cheesecake tootsie roll. Cotton candy gummies carrot cake. Marzipan gummi bears brownie. Liquorice cake lemon drops jelly dragée bonbon jelly-o chocolate cake pastry. Marshmallow chupa chups wafer bonbon marshmallow. Icing carrot cake tart sesame snaps. Donut powder donut cotton candy sweet oat cake chocolate bar. Soufflé brownie pastry. Jelly brownie sweet.



Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet. Toffee chocolate cake caramels brownie dessert pudding cake. Dragée sesame snaps pie cupcake macaroon croissant icing. Pudding candy candy apple pie cake wafer macaroon cotton candy pie.


Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet. Toffee chocolate cake caramels brownie dessert pudding cake. Dragée sesame snaps pie cupcake macaroon croissant icing. Pudding candy candy apple pie cake wafer macaroon cotton candy pie.


Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet. Toffee chocolate cake caramels brownie dessert pudding cake. Dragée sesame snaps pie cupcake macaroon croissant icing. Pudding candy candy apple pie cake wafer macaroon cotton candy pie.