


3 months, 12 days ago


Follow the water beetles...
Name Icenight

Former Names Icekit

Gender Bigender (He/She)

Orientation Biromantic

Apprentices MinnowChase, Crocuspaw

Rank Deputy

Residence BeetleClan


Icenight is a a silver and grey sokoke munchkin cat. His patterns resemble icicles and the northern lights. She has a long light grey stripe on his underbelly that continues into h is markings on his front and back legs. His markings on his back continue into his facial and tail markings. She has a few black streacks in his fur, and grey patterning around his eyes. p>

His hair should be swept back, and it joins with his mane on his neck. His eyebrows and mustache are always included unless drawing his kitten, apprentice, or young adult forms. His ear tufts also link into his mane. She has a lower snaggel tooth on his right side of his jaw. His mane should always be fluffy, and somewhat spikey. Most of the fur along his back after her mane, should lay flat unless agitated.He has a very soft sandy grey color that dusts his paws and muzzle. His skin is a rosey grey and his paw pads are a mix of rose grey and grey.

Design notes
  • The mustache, eyebrows, snaggle tooth, and short legs are required
  • He is Bigender so sometimes shes draw with eyelashes just for fun :3!
  • This isnt required but appreciated!
  • His eyes are orange, with a few specks of icey blue and sunny yellow in them.
  • His eyebrows are very expressive, despite how much i draw him angry.

Icenight is moody and cynical in an often charming way. He tends to be very closed off, because he never really was taught how to communicate his own feelings. He often is very insecure, and is very strict with himself, but doesnt let that show on the outside. He is very outspoken morally and is an excellent speaker. He often playfully jabs at cats he's close to, but in a Dad type of way.

When it comes to StarClan he's a whole different cat, he has the fear of StarClan in him. He becomes even more closed off, and skittish. His perfectionism in himself and fear of failure causes him to become sick with worry. He knows he must accept his fate in the prophecy one day, but fears that day more than anything else.

  • His kit
  • His Clan
  • Teaching
  • The idea of becoming leader
  • Summer
  • Running


Herb Knowledge

Faith in StarClan

Icekit was born into the clan by FrozenNeedles, a prickly she cat who was extremely faithful to starclan. She influenced him in his childhood to be very faithful, but only around her. When she wasnt there he became rough and tumble, and often would sneak out of camp. He would run down to the lake and play there for hours, and was sometimes met by cats hed never seen before in his reflection. FrozenNeedles passed from hypothermia right before his apprenticeship, when he was 5 moons old. He has carried grief for her with him since then, but has never really processed any of it.

As an apprentice Icepaw started going to the lake less and less, as the reflections in the water were no longer friendly cats, who wanted to play. Instead they were cats who looked sternly down apon him and would tell him of a great prophecy, and that he needed to be prepared, but never explain any further. This tied with the pressure from his mentor, CrispFlight, who he hated for his cowardice formed to a deep perfectionism for himself. Truth be told, he wasnt even sure he wanted to be a warrior at this point, he would rather have been a permaqueen like his mother. He earned his warrior name, Icenight, after a medicine cat got a prophecy that he was in. In the months after that he helped save the clan from an oncoming attack, but StarClan said he had an even grater purpose later on. He was already was deputy at this point, what more could they want... He just wanted to have some peace.

Present: Icenight had been Deputy for two generations of leaders, and after the previous leader's death, was sent to become Icestar only a few days after having Weevilkit. When he got to Moon pool and met with Star Clan, she turned down being leader, to focus on taking care of her new kit. He asked who should take his place to Starclan, and they chose Barley.


  • Prefix — His Cool grey pelt
  • Suffix — His strange relationship with starclan.
  • He would have been IceStar if he didnt reject becoming leader.
  • He finds cats just refering to him as "Ice" extremely uncomfortable.


Weevilfoot is Icenight's first and only kit. His sweet little bug.

Shes been very hurt by their actions lately, as theyve been talking about him behind his back. They wish they hadnt heard them. Its been really getting to her head lately.


Minnowchase and Cherryshine, though Icenight doesnt like to admit it, are some of his favorite clanmates. Hes very proud to have trained Minnowchase and have helped train Cherryshine. They are true warriors, and hed happily take either of them as deputies if he ever becomes leader.

Best friend

Ambershadow is Icenights best friend, and he admires her greatly. Her wisdom and caring adaptibility greatly inspires him. She doesnt know what he'd do without her.


Icenight has served under two leaders now, but has only felt this way towards one. He hopes she doesnt notice it.

code by jiko