


3 months, 5 days ago



Judas was a troubled person since childhood, having behavioral issues due to his family life at home with severely abusive parents. He's always lashed out and grew quick to anger whenever he wouldn't get his way with anything. Finding the Dog-Dog Fruit only made his behavior even more dangerous which in turn made his parents afraid of him, so they kept him chained up on a leash outside and muzzled him to avoid seeing his now devilish looks. This became a huge mistake as eventually when enraged, Judas broke free and reeked havoc on his parents, finally getting his vengeance by burning their house down along with them in it. 

The terror did not stop at just his parents as his anger took a massive hold over his senses. Unable to calm down or control his abilities, he would burn down the entire small island population he lived on, killing nearly everyone before the navy could arrive on time to stop the worst of it. He was taken into custody after being knocked out by then Admiral Akainu. Unsure of where to put the boy, he decided it best to place him in Impel Down where he can train with the officers and better control his powers for something more useful that wouldn't hurt innocent civilians.

He was handled on a sea prism leash throughout his younger years to make sure he wouldn't go berserk, which he grew to love being walked around with (thanks to his doggy side). Magellan was made to keep watch over him and train him in combat. He rose through the ranks and was eventually placed in Level 4 since he's unbothered by the heat there. 

Judas is quick to anger and tends to be sarcastic a lot, having very little patience with folks who annoy him. He doesn't like being bothered during his mandatory walkies and nap sessions, finding them to be essential for calming his mood. He likes to eat straight up bones but also enjoys meat and dog treats. He hates broccoli. Magellan is a psuedo-father figure to him but he also thinks he's incompetent and stupid, not entirely looking up to him. He secretly admires Shiryu for how strong he is. 

Judas has the Dog-Dog Fruit, Hellhound Model that has the ability to: 

-Shapeshift. He can transform into a giant, bulky doberman dog with incredible strength. 

-Fire Breath. These flames are rarely ever put out, hence why he keeps a special muzzle 90% of the time so he doesn't burn everything around him. He can spit out fire balls and beams. 

-Spear Tail. His tail can elongate and spear his opponents with ease with a searing hot touch. 

-Horns. His horns are much larger in this form so he can ram into his opponents. He can change the temperature of them in order to deliver burning hot wounds.