Sableye Adopt Batch's Comments

I really like Black Opal, I can offer a halfbod and a fullbod?

Sure! Are you comfortable with drawing humans?

Yep! Im chill with drawing any kind of character

Awesome! :D Could you do a halfbod of Justice and a fullbod of Sagittarius


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:0 How about a Fullbod of Ayleen and a headshot of Artemis

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I'd love to offer for maybe Amerite and Pyrite? :0

Two fulls?

Sure thing! :D Could you perhaps do Artemis and Justice?

Yeah sure can! ^^

Finished one! ^^ 

Sorr if the outfit isn't exact- they were just my biggest struggle points 😭😭

Alrighty both should be finished and pending:D

thank you so much! :D Sending the guys over- which account do you want them to be transferred to?

Just my main is alright Lav :D 

Thanks so much again for trading! <333


Fullbody for both Cat's Eye and Geode?

Ametrine is so nice too,,, LAV I'M INDECISVE HSWGHVDWGEBF

Sure thing!!! :D Could you do Artemis and Cameron, please? 

I sure can!

Hi! Sorry for the wait. Art should be pending now! ^^