Tox's Comments

offering a shaded full-body!

I can do humanoids, anthro, and feral :3



I think ill draw coast (the first one) then! But please note that it will definetely take me some time (maybe about a month) to finish it, due to many reasons (other owed arts, school, etc.) so if that wont work, please let me know ^^

Otherwise, ill try to do this as soon as possible <3


sounds alright to me! take however much time u need :]

hey hey! just wanted to check in on this!

hi! im honestly so sorry for taking this much time, but ill be finished sometime this month for sure

i hope you're still willing to wait a little more and thank you ^^'

no worries!! as long as you haven't forgotten i'm totally fine with you taking your time haha also just wanted to update you since coast's design got a little updated!! her new ref is here: !

4 Replies