
Gender: Female

Age: 24

Hair color: Blonde

Eye color: Yellow

Tail Color: Blonde

Sexual Preference: Straight

Job: Repairwoman

Loves: Steampunk astedic, cold & sugary drinks, new things to tinker with

Hates: Most modern looks, tight spaces for her horse body, Rainy days without an umbrella

    Purdence is a centaur who was born in the 2030s and grew up in rural America, at a time when the US was starting to better adapt to the more Mythical citizens. She grew on a farm that was given to her family after what happened decades ago, surrounded by farms run by humans. Often bored most of the time and not really the best of help on her farm compared to her brothers, she goes to tinker with gizmos, trying to figure things out on her own before looking for the manuals. Her love of tinkering ended up making her a big fan of the steampunk astedic later on, especially at a time when finding clothes for centaurs was quite difficult. When she was a Young Adult, she noticed a neighbor having problems with a tractor of theirs and offered to helped him. It took a couple of days, but she was able to get it working again, also learning a thing or two about vehicle repairing.

    After graduating High school, she soon got into a college for engineering, despite her body not being fit to enter most areas. As time went on, she had a real knack for engineering and repairing broken machines, often helping out a group or two when she was done with her projects since she really likes to tinker some more. When she graduated, she moved to a nearby city, mainly working at a car repair shop but seemed to be a big help later on. She currently still lives there and adapting quite nicely, getting along with her coworkers and sometimes her family comes to visit.