Hisako Ito: Two-fold Hero!



5 years, 10 months ago


Hisako Ito

Emotional Empathetic Gentle


"Destruction and creation can be just as dangerous or as beautiful as the other."

NameHisako ItoCalledIto or "Hisachan" by friends
AgeSixteenD.o.B.September 7th
GenderFemalePronounsShe / her
DemeanoUrSoftStyleCasual and comfortable
RaceAsian (Japanese)OriginTokyo


MotivationHer parents.GoalsTo fully grasp and balance her quirk.
  • Soboro don.
  • Her parents.
  • Pro-hero trading cards.
  • Pink.
  • Brown.
  • Most seafoods.
  • Arrogance.
  • Villains.




Hisako is a hybrid, with the power of two quirks in one.


Her father is a pro-hero by the name of "Pressure Point" and he has a quirk that allows him to inflict immense pain on his foes by using long wisps of dark blue smoke that comes from the palms of his hands. However, use of this quirk would result in him suffering through chronic pain his whole life.

Her mother was the heiress to a rich family that owned a large amount of private, pro-hero hospitals. She was a nurse at these establishments due to her healing quirk - but she can only heal those that she loves. Thankfully, she feels very strongly about all of her patients and so many of them thrive under her care.

Hisako was the first child to be born in her family after a series of failures. Due to her father's quirk being so intense, the effects of it would often inflict pain on the fetus, resulting in miscarriage. Hisako was the seventh attempt and the only successful one. Her quirk balanced perfectly between her two parents, allowing her to heal herself from any pain she may endure in the womb.

She was born healthy and into an extremely loving family. Her father retired early from his pro-hero career to take care of his daughter and the family permanently moved from Tokyo to Musutafu.

Her quirk manifested from a very young age as she was an emotional child. This made it easier for her parents to identify her powers and guide her in the correct way of how to use them.

Her right side held the powers of her mother. She could expell pink smoke-like clouds from her palm which would heal injuries. On her left side was the powers of her father - dark blue wisps that could wrap around whoever she wished and inflict deadly pain upon them.

However, her powers greatly relied on her emotions. She could only heal those she loved and she could only hurt those she disliked.

Hisako went through many years of quirk therapy and guidance as a young girl, learning to control her emotions so she didn't exactly harm her classmates. Luckily for her parents and those around her, she had a relatively shy and gentle nature that discouraged her from harming anyone.

She spent the majority of her middle school years helping the nurse in attempts to make progress with her quirk. However, due to the nature of her power, Hisako found it difficult to heal those she had no bond with.

By the time she had left middle school, Hisako had a loose grasp on healing strangers, usually by going to hospitals with her mother and using her quirk.

She was inspired by her father to attend U.A. as he did, but he was hesitant to let her apply. He believed it would be useless as he got in on a recommendation and her daughter's quirk worked only on humans and not test bots. But after much consideration, he supported her attempts anyway.

Once Hisako was put in the position of her peers being hurt during the exam, she found that her healing quirk kick in on instinct and she was able to heal many of the students who had taken hits. This managed to scrape Hisako through in rescue points and she was put in the hero course - class B!


Arc One

After scraping into the hero course via rescue points, Hisako is met with the harsh realisation that her quirk may pale in comparison to those of her classmates'. This notion is only furthered during the first-day quirk apprehension test when she receives the lowest score in the class. Hisako's struggle with her seemingly "weak" power continues as she overhears senior students mocking the fact that a pro-hero's daughter could be so useless. She attempts to keep her cool and collected facade as she trains. Many of her classmates dismiss her and a fellow male pupil (Yasei Dōbutsu)
with an animalistic shapeshifting quirk constantly taunts her. However, during the indoor battle trials, she showcases the use of her quirk as she is able to pull her partner from severe injuries with her healing. The duo ended up winning the battle but Hisako knew she had to develop her powers if she didn't want to be left in the dust.

Arc Two

After the indoor battle trials, Hisako went on a search for ways to control her quirk. She consulted both of her parents and gained some insight. Her mother described the way she used her quirk - she had an open heart and loved everyone, which made it extremely easy for her to heal others. Hisako knew that in order to have full control over her quirk, she would have to manipulate her emotions to an extent. She found it much easier to love/like people instead of hating them. With the Sports Festival just around the corner, she was finding it difficult to break through her naturally soft personality and raise negative emotions to fuel her quirk. Her mind is foggy as she enters the Sports Festival and clears the preliminaries by allying with students with stronger quirks, exchanging her healing for help to the finish line. During the break between the preliminaries and the cavalry battle, Dōbutsu mocks Hisako for doing so. He tells her that he wants her to stay in the festival rounds for as long as possible so he can beat her himself to "put her in her place." During the cavalry battle, she uses her healing once more to sustain her teammates, keeping them at peak condition as they claim points. She steadily progresses, with the scorn from Dōbutsu only getting stronger at each step. He had already been noticed frequently by the judges by the time the 1v1 matches came around and Hisako found herself fighting him in the first round. Dōbutsu continued to egg her on, attempting to make her swing at him first so he could easily push her over the boundary. Little did he know his scorning comments and humiliation would only allow Hisako to use her darker power against him. In the midst of her anger, she let go of controlling her emotions and released her rage. She barely had control over her power as she relentlessly used it against her enemy, rendering him useless in minutes despite him putting up a good fight. After the whistle was blown and she was declared the winner, she forgave and healed Dōbutsu. Hisako, feeling immense shame for damaging someone and losing control of her emotions, immediately forfeited. 

Arc Three

Aenean vitae condimentum lectus. Mauris vitae aliquet augue. Nullam cursus consequat neque, nec sodales lectus rhoncus eu. Nulla laoreet et metus sed ornare. Sed vitae justo tristique, efficitur ligula tincidunt, vehicula arcu. Nulla in ullamcorper eros. Aliquam erat volutpat. Pellentesque sit amet tincidunt lectus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Fusce vitae congue justo. Fusce dignissim, dolor non blandit congue, lorem dolor tempus purus, vitae eleifend nulla nibh id nulla. Phasellus lobortis vehicula cursus. Nulla pretium diam eu neque luctus rutrum eleifend eget justo.


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AlignmentNeutral goodEnnegramThe Helper
