Siucra Graent



1 month, 22 days ago


>SIUCRA: introduce yourself.
Your name is SIUCRA GRAENT, and you are a PROSPIT DREAMER, the ROGUE OF SPACE, and also a GENERALLY OBLIVIOUS TROLL. This is the part where you're supposed to talk about your INTERESTS. You know this because you wrote it down on a sticky note, one of the only ways to combat your GODAWFUL MEMORY. You'd probably forget your own name if you didn't see it written right above this paragraph. You enjoy all sorts of GAMES-- board games, card games, and more recently, VIDEO GAMES. As a matter of fact, your MOIRAIL is busy working on adapting the remnant code of an ANCIENT GAME for you and your friends to play. In the meantime, though, you've become particularly fond of the game TEXAS HOLD 'EM after being taught the rules by a recent acquaintance. It takes a great deal of concentration to keep the rules in mind, due to the aforementioned GODAWFUL MEMORY. You also have no idea what a "Texas" is. Your DISARRAY HANDLE is sweetnessPersonified, and you tend to speak in a way that RefeRS to yoUR peRpetUAl SUGAR RUSh.
Siucra is approximately 7.5 sweeps old, or roughly 16 (and a quarter) years old. As a jadeblood, her responsibilities would typically entail preparing to nurture the mother grub upon adulthood-- but after her emergence from the trial caverns and subsequent years of adolescence, she would soon decide that she was unfit for the task, partially due to her difficulties in taking care of herself and others. This is why she decided to take part in the game that would rebirth alternia. Despite her inabilities, she cares for others deeply, perhaps far more than any species genetically prone to violence should. Her (unapproved) custodian is a hummingbird, her strife specibus is ropekind, and her fetch modus is based on the matching game "Go Fish".
Siucra's role is one of the "key" leads in the creation of the genesis frog that creates the game's reward, as she is the player of space in her session. Her knowledge of ectobiology, however, is limited-- which results in the session merge between Alternia and Earth, due to a certain Hero of Blood's knowledge of propagating life in general. After a frankly ridiculous amount of shenaniganry, she reaches her planet, the Land of Ink and Frogs. Upon reaching her planet and consulting her denizen, her quest is revealed: She must use her powers to create a pathway for the four colors of ink to flow into their own rivers, or "cartridges", which will grant her the ability to create an advanced version of an alchemiter in a similar vein to a giant laserjet printer. Despite being a fighter on par with a certain Hero of Light's skills, she chooses to proceed with the quest in an effort to avoid dying prematurely and dooming the session. After ascending to god-tier, she participates in the final battle against the black king on Skaia.
Points of interest:
  • Siucra's symbol doesn't mean anything (or if it does, I don't remember what it is.)
  • Her name originates from the Gaelic word for "sugar" and the Icelandic word for "green". She was one of the first Homestuck OCs I ever made, hence the poor naming convention.
  • She is in a moirallegiance with a certain Hero of Void.
  • A certain Hero of Light is trying to engage in a kismesisitude with her, but she doesn't understand his advances.