Ivaran Nerimys



3 months, 4 days ago

Basic Info


Ivaran Nerimys


November 8th


lol who knows


White with slit pupils


Left handed


Chaotic Neutral (morally grey)


Elrion, kitties, challenging his mind, reading


Seeing Elrion upset, witnessing Elrion performing unholy acts, dogs, nonsense


Originally, I was just going to have Ivaran be just some sexy townie for my world that just does his own thing... then I was like "fuck it, let's use him." I kept having this vision of him having a son and it's unknown if said son was just magickally created or had a mom. I want to lean towards the latter, but IDK what the reason for her absence should be?? I know for sure it's not because she was a deadbeat mom. It's either the typical "she ded" or "she disappeared under mysterious circumstances." I'll figure it out, eventually :b ANYWAY, I DIGRESS.

Ivaran looks like some Final Fantasy demon elf guy or something idk. I just get STRONK Final Fantasy vibes from him, specifically XII (my favourite entry) xDD He's a genius who lives alone with his son Elrion in not the most cheerful of homes. I have plans to give them cats, so it won't just be the two lol. Ivaran is known to have good intentions, but bad methods of accomplishing them... His alignment is also put into question: he can be seen giving out free food to people (it's magick, he ain't gotta explain shit) then turn around and make people lose control for no reason just because he wants to watch the world burn...
Ivaran is always polite and formal, even at home. He generally speaks without contractions, unless it would sound awkward lol.
He likes to work on his "MAKES SENSE" skills and doesn't ever get into any silly moods. He does enjoy dark, morbid humour though. Speaking of morbid, he has a strong fascination with death mostly because he cannot die under "normal" circumstances. Necromania. THAT DOES NOT MEAN HE IS INTO NECROPHILIA!!!!!!! THAT'S DISGUSTING!!!!!!!