Marley White



3 months, 4 days ago


Marley White

16 yr old male

gay + grayromantic


voice claim : Michael Moscovitz - Princess Diaries

Marley is super chill and is so into crystals, the meanings of the crystals on his necklace are: Amethyst- peace. Clear Quartz- energy and clarity. Jade- luck. The Jay feather entwined in his hair means hope :3

Marley also likes candles and often makes his own. He also owns a lot of plants, his room is literally just a plant nursery at this point lol.
Marley is super calm and chill but, he’s also really shy and won’t talk to almost anyone (if he does he usually comes off as cold even if he doesn’t mean it like that). he basically stays in his room all day, seeing him in his beach outfit is very rare :)

His sister is Bianca, he thinks she’s ‘just ok’

Marley doesn’t have many friends, mostly due to his weird interests and his passion of being a lepidopterist !! But that’s ok because he’s so silly. Although, Brodie considers Marley as his friend even tho Marley doesn’t really think that yet (he thinks Brodie just feels bad for him and isn’t actually trying to be a friend) later on he falls in love and his sister is mad af lol