


3 months, 7 days ago


Name: Hyasyinth
Pronounced like the plant Hyacinth

Species: Moorn’tal
Pronouns: He / It / Plant

Age: Adult
Job: Researcher

Family: None

Personality: In general, Hyasyinth is rather friendly, though from all his travels he knows when it needs to act tougher or scary, but his thirst for knowledge has always been what’s pushed him through his life. This had brought plant to travel the universe, often doing manual labour to pay for his travel, as well as brining back information for them, which has left it with a lot of stories. He does often like to upsell them though, exaggerating things or outright lying to sometimes give himself a chuckle, though it always stops before it could cause any problems or actually upset someone.
With his massive height, dark face with bright eyes and ‘odd’ growths, he knows he can be rather scary. This is something it tries to counteract with it’s note papers and soft attitude but sometimes he can be very scary if needed. Discovering rubbing it’s two tails with the growths together makes a rather unnerving noise that scares most issues off.

-His Keratinous plates sometimes get a little itchy around the edges, mostly on his forearms
-Used to travel the universe, it wasn’t actually that long before the loss of his homeworld that he actually returned home for the first time in a long time
-Loves to tease people and lie about other planets he’s been too that they haven’t / claims silly customs exist that don’t actually exist
-Doesn’t like to talk about how old he is, defiantly older then he looks/physically acts
-Has chronic pain in his legs, the intensity wavers and sometimes he feels fine and other days can barely walk
-Hyasyinth has a ‘pet’ Fereet – well, he keeps feeding it so it’s not wondered off yet as easy food; plant has taken to studying the creature in return

Base Stats: 250 distributed
Strength - 40
Dexterity - 10
Constitution - 20
Intelligence - 80
Wisdom - 80
Charisma - 20