Farzan "Friand" Dinshaji



5 years, 10 months ago




NameFarzan "Friand" Dinshaji
Age34 years old
Occupationmusic composer, talented concert violinist

-A reluctant medium plagued by the creatures

 and ghosts of the astral plane and beyond. -


Friand has always appeared as a fearful and shy child. He has always preferred to be by his lonesome if he could not be with his mother, to whose side he clung most often. Friand is marked as an eccentric and a paranoid individual. It dominates all areas of his life and overshadows all the wonderful traits he has developed in quiet determination. Though meek, Friand is by no means a pushover. He is hard-working and excels in most things, as long as he is able to finish them and not be stopped by his ailments.

Friand is a fly on the wall. He has great interest in the going-ons of those around him. Not much can pass his watchful eye. He always makes a point to learn everything there is to know about the people he is surrounded by and especially those he does business with.

He is well versed in many subjects and can talk at great lengths with just about anyone if necessary, though he fumbles a lot and can fail simply because of his nerves. He is a clever man though, and may manipulate those around him for his own gain without their knowledge, without even a suspicion because of his meek and easily spooked demeanor. He has learned to work around his flaws over the years and most things he wants, he gets.


6'4//192cm. Tall and gangly. His eyes are mismatched and the most obvious indicator of his condition. Sometimes can get quite swollen. Has dark circles. He wears brown contacts or sunglasses most of the time. Has a very sunken look about him because he never gets enough sleep. Always has a stiff posture. Always faintly smiling, just to be polite.


AEXISA stolen Prophet. His partner and savior. She pacifies him and all that ails him. Though cool and otherwordly, she is fiercly loyal to him, going even so far to abandon her business in favor of traveling with Friand, whose job takes him all over. Completely immersed in the occult and new age. Aexis spends most of her time in secretive rituals or out gathering materials. On occasion taken into long missions by Shax, her mentor. Friand's trust in her is absolute.

SHAX The demon marquis, who has taken a rather disconcerting interest in Friand. He offers boons, gives gifts and promises freedom from Friands condition. Friand, of course, does not believe the creature and thinks his hospitality suspicious. He never accepts anything of Shax's directly. He is paranoid that he just wants to take his eyes.


He was born, sure, but to a doppelganger, that is never the beginning of the story. His life passed him by uneventful, save for the nightmares that plagued him, odd visions and hallucinations during the day of a life, of people that he did not know, of what he knew was not true, but that all included him. And then one day he saw Him. Somewhere at the back of his head, he had always known. It wasn’t hard to know just what needed to be done, and Friand acted quick. 

Through years of the telepathic torture, his own personality and habits, even memories had merged much with his doubles, and the change hopping into his life did not seem much different, except for that it was better. Friand had been born to a beggar and a shoe-shiner, but his double was the son of a rich banker. Though already an adult, it still had its perks. A nice apartment, an expensive car all paid by his double's(now his) father. This change allowed him to stop simply surviving, and start living. He started pursuing the things that he enjoyed and was able to share it with others.

He finished a music academy, had a job secured by his father for when he was not busy with music, composing and playing his own pieces.

But it was not all as perfect as one would think at first glance. Since killing his double, his strange visions have not stopped. Now, he sees not the life of his double, as he has non, but instead the lingering, vengeful spirit of him. Over time, traveling many cities, meeting many people, many more ghosts have joined him, attaching themselves to him or latching on temporarily. And they know he sees them. Sometimes they cry for help, but other times they are cruel, vengeful spirits who simply wish to inflict the suffering or wrongdoings they have felt unto others. 

This change slowly chipped away at his psyche, ignoring the ghost put a large strain on his concentration and endurance.

And then he started noticing creatures who were different. For a long time, they seemed to hide, only watching him from afar. They, unlike the ghosts, always seemed perfectly aware of both themselves and their surroundings. Sometimes their appearances shifted to grotesque forms, and as their attention grew more frequent and intrusive, Friand feared the Devil was coming for him. Originally a religious man, this thought quickly festered and became an obsession. Paranoia ruled his most every action and those actions were to find any tool available to stop Them from coming.

One such pursuit drew him into an occult&crystal shop, and his often visits soon drew him into the arms of its owner. He fell in love almost instantly and as it turned out, Aexis Baccaradi had just the thing to cure his demons. Though her personal tale was quite fantastic, Friand was ready to believe. She was a time traveler from another era and the personal ward of the ancient goetic demon known as Shax.

Through many rituals and other shady actions over time, Friand's condition really did lessen, and with a clearer mind he is now able to assume much better control of his vision, and at times even see it as more of a gift than a curse. It, of course, comes with a price, and the demon teacher of his love has taunted him plenty and tried to pull him over to his side. 

Recently, he has been seeing creatures more and more bizarre appear in his peripheral vision or at times of long silence and calm. The Unborn, they call themselves the times Friand dares acknowledge their existence and engage them in conversation. There is reason to believe his powers are evolving and he now sees into the astral plane.


● Plagued by the many physical side effects of stress like insomnia, hysteric episodes, weight problems, weakened immune system, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, etc.

 ● An excellent violinist, compared even to Paganini. He can play piano too, but thinks it has less heart than the violin.

● Sometimes acts as a reluctant medium/ guide to people he sees have a similar condition to his, or when the ghosts are especially insistent/malicious.

● Hoards talismans, amulets, fetishes and lucky charms. Anything he even suspects could help him. Never leaves the house without at least three on his person.

● Dresses semi-formal, smart casual. Likes suits, dressing in layers, gloves, scarves, and pointy shoes.

● White-passing Parsi Iranian.

● Eats a LOT of bread. 

● Collects rare music records.

● Pretty in denial about his childhood. Despite coming from nothing, detests the unprivileged.

[profile html by Hukiolukio]