🌻 Buttercup Lion! 🦁's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use


  • Redesign to your liking!
  • Retrade or Gift
  • Resell for the same or lower price than purchased (unless additional art has been added that can be factored into its value.)
    • Designs obtained for free (raffled or otherwise) have a value of $0!
  • Credit me as the original designer, even if heavily redesigned. 
  • Keep the original, unedited design as a part of the character’s page. (feel free to hide it, just don’t delete it.)
  • If a redesign, edit, or artwork is added to the gallery that is traced or modified from my original drawing of the character, please note that in the image caption. 
  • Use the design for commercial purposes.


  • Remove elements of diversity specifically depicted (POC, disabilities, trans, etc.)
  • Whitewash the design
  • Use the design to promote bigotry (transphobia, xenophobia, ableism, etc.)
  • Use my art of the character for commercial purposes (unless specified for the adopt)
  • Use for anything related to AI or NFTs


  • All sales are final
  • Payment must be sent within 48 hours
  • I take payment through Venmo only
  • I will transfer the character to you within 24 hours of payment.