


5 months, 28 days ago


Species: Horse

Gender: Female (Trans)

Height/Weight: 5ft10 / 250Ibs

Pronouns: She/Her

Bio: Anna is an anthropomorphic horse and is transgender. She is about 5,10 and lives in a big city, living in an apartment with her boyfriend and making a living doing art and live-streaming. She’s a little nerdy and loves video games, she’s shy with new people she really doesn’t know, and she’s extremely outgoing and weird around the people she knows well. When she was a lot younger, before she had realized she was trans, she was forced into doing a bunch of sports as a young foal. Her parents wanted to get her into doing more active things, but it was never something she was into. A sort of disconnect between her and the other boys in the sports caused her to feel alienated from her teammates. This would later lead to realization once she starts to figure out who she is. She started to question her gender around middle school, but was far too worried about being wrong or the way trans people were treated to feel comfortable exploring that side of herself anymore. It wasn’t until high school that she started to really think about it and see herself as she truly was. Though, due to worries about how her family might react and having to explain it to everyone at school, she stayed in the closet until she had enough money to move out. Once she did come out she was happy to see her worries were unfounded and her family, though a little confused, was fully happy to support her. After that was when she finally moved out and in with her boyfriend to make a living on art and live-streaming.