



biography status: wipAx0zpwi.gif design value: 65 USD / 96 CAD Ax0zpwi.giftotal art commissions: 61 USD Ax0zpwi.gifoc status: not for sale/trade 


"red" & "warm"
chaos bringer


Just like Denwen of the mythological tales of the Eygptian empire, Danwen was a dragon born of fire and darkness, destined to wreck havoc on the innocent people he lived in. He was young but he was still big enough to become the tales of putting naughty children to sleep, prevented adult men from truly feeling brave and women cowering behind stronger figures not daring to venture alone into the world. Such rumours, myths and stories were meant to keep order while becoming a stern warning to people who dared to step out of line. It never bothered Danwen until a young girl friend to befriend him. A taste of companionship woke the fearsome dragon to learn emotions of loneliness and anger. He reflected in solitude to realize he was walking the destiny he did not forge. Kings and Gods could not control him, so they set out to demonize him. He went to sought out revenge. He took out one lord then the next. Feeling satisfied by bloodshed, more chaos spawned as he realized it misplaced a lot of people. The commonfolk lost jobs and homes, loved ones even though they had a part in hurting him and other more unfortunate people. Whatever he did, whatever he tried, he only brought darkness. He fled the home he lived for thousands of years in search of some other place that might so desire him more, not to involuntarily recruit him to play the part of the villain. How can he avoid such fate when he wore the face of one? 

Well, he shouldn't give up. Fate would lead him into a warm brilliance that welcomed with open arms. His name that cursed him to a path of loneliness became reforged with new meaning. He felt obsession building up inside him, wanting this person close as much as possible because he would be scared this happiness would be ripped away from him if he didn't hold on tonight enough. Even if he clawed and bitten his saviour's skin a little too tight, the person would not fault him. So warm.. 

The anger and resentment within him subsided over the many hundreds of years that he no longer became a liability needed to be supervised like a bratty child. He simply wised up, perhaps due to the positive influences around him. It can't be helped that he may be feared by the impression of him, but upon looking further the energy he radiated off anything but malicious. He would be seen gathering food, basking under the sun as he took very long and quiet naps. He's just a like a sleepy dog that sometimes was eager for pets and attention.