hi! i'm interested in buying them, but i don't know how to use hipolink >< how can i pay you?

I throw you a link to the closed content with the amount and there you just have to enter your email to confirm and that's it ^^ (You can pay with PayPal, but I don't know about Cashapp.)

PayPal and others I unfortunately don't use to accept payment "" 

i use paypal to pay anyway! that works great with me, if you send the link i'll pay :3

i've tried multiple times but it says:

"An error has occurred

Please check the details you entered or try again later."

i'm not really sure what's going on and i can't find much about it online, do you know if there's anything i can do to fix this? :,3

I got it, I'll try to figure it out^^""

 Oh, I got the same error

There must be some problem with the site  

mind if we try again in a couple of hours? 

4 Replies