
5 years, 8 months ago


Name/nicknames: Vihrea
Race: Pavesi
Pronouns: he/him or they/them
Occupation: not officially employed

Personal info: Generally a friendly and polite dude. He's spending his time traveling around Kotiin and the Isles, seeing what's what and what he's missed after goddess knows how long he's been sleeping. Kind of a fish out of water, he just enjoys seeing the sights of the world and learning new things, meeting Pakkeli and Pakaasu of all kinds. Makes use of disposable cameras a lot. He helps out with odd jobs wherever he happens to be to get new film. Is willing to break rules and, potentially, laws for cool photos XD

Height: 6'4"
Age: who tf even knows lol
Birthdate: tbd
Zodiac Sign: tbd
Sexuality: Not really