Cody Maverick



5 years, 9 months ago



Cody Maverick

Hero of the Story - The Misguided One

"If we cannot trust the system then what can we possibly trust?"


The hotheaded protagonist of the story. His powerful moral compass was molded through years of trauma and struggle, and Alistair has taught Cody that society's system is created to uphold such morals. To protect others and uphold all justice in the world.

For his entire life, Cody has relied upon the system and has used his incredible talent to serve it. Now that he stands at a position he as a child dreamed of, Cody cannot help but to grow disillusioned through several years of his duty. However, he keeps moving in honor of his duty and promise to Alistair. Every day he works to "protect" the people and taking down threats to society, pushing away all doubts from his mind. Yet when he comes across a prisoner from an age old cult intent on destroying the system that has kept Cody in check, the whispers of doubt grow. It is only natural to trust the system those around you have promised is safe. Will Cody manage to break away from the cycle of mistrust and abuse to see the world in the moral compass so long restricted by the system?


Cody is a confident and optimistic young man with bright eyes for the future. Loud and eager to prove himself, his act of confidence is often taken as arrogance. Unbeknownst to most, his demeanor is a mask for the much less confident person who seeks validation and love. Incredibly loyal to the point of naivety, Cody latches onto others and will stick with them until the end, often spelling out trouble. Although reltaively serious about his duty, it would seem trouble and misfortune is keen to follow him.

His reliance upon the "system" is typical of anyone in his society or rank, but almost naive. Cody has a powerful moral compass and seeks to fulfill it no matter what, giving him a stubborn edge. Almost childish in nature at times, he pouts and grows frustrated when he doesn't get his way, although Cody easily slides into a formal and cold faced facade he has grown long used to. Although having learned to silently take loneliness, Cody constantly seeks validation and attention from others- both positive and negative.


  • Age 21 Years
  • Gender Male
  • Pronouns He/Him
  • Sexuality Bisexual (Female Leaning)
  • Romantic Biromantic
  • R. Status Single
  • Organization Legalis Syndicate
  • Ability Type Physical
  • V. Status Alive, Active
  • Theme Osprey - Great Hunter, Master of All


  • Family Names Maverick, Evans
  • Selected Name Maverick
  • 1st Name Helpful, "Pillow"
  • Last Name Independent, Lone
  • Title(s) Captain
  • Allias(es) Iustita (Blind Goddess of Justice)
  • Nickname(s) Coco (by mother)
  • Form of Address Cody, Captain Cody, Maverick
  • Sparring/Dueling
  • Bread and Dumplings
  • Birds of Prey
  • Cats
  • Savory Foods
  • Shiny Things
  • Ocean/Large Bodies of Water
  • Dishonesty
  • Rumors/Gossip
  • Alcohol
  • Reading Long Documents
  • Tricky People/Behavior
  • Ivan Maverick (Father)
  • Being Bored
  • His name "Cody" is ironic: a "helpful pilllow" implies one who is soft while helpful, while Cody is harsh but willing to assist others.
  • Chose his father's family name for the honor that came with it, but dislikes his father.
  • Cody's hair is so messy that its style changes day by day.
  • Switches to "professional" mode when wearing his gloves.
  • A highly skilled marksman with almost any type of gun.
  • Thanks to his passive, Cody's eyesight is many times greater than the average person.
Overall Tier
  • "The strong must protect the weak, is that not how it goes?"
  • "I once believed in a naively optimistic mother and a father whose courage melted away in the heat of stress. I swear I will never be like them."
  • "This is our duty! The strong must serve their society: that was the destiny written into my stars and there is no way to rewrite them. There should be no desire to do so, anyway."
  • Running: Long, intensive runs.

  • Baking: Any and all types of bread.

  • Traveling: Likes to explore both urban and country settings.

  • Singing: Not good, but enjoys it.

  • Nail Chewing: From stress, recently stopped by his gloves.

  • Skipping Breakfast: Too busy.

  • Late Night Snacking: Doesn't sleep much anyway.

  • Joint Cracking: Fingers and left wrist.

  • Leader: Empathetic but strong minded.

  • Intelligent: Highly astute and learns quickly.

  • Confident: Always sure of his choices.

  • Perceptive: Eagle eyed.

  • Obstinate: Stubborn and unmoving.

  • Naive: Trusts in a broken system.

  • Arrogant: Coping after years of self deprecation and stress.

  • Hotheaded: Jumps into situations.

  • Active: Tracks attributes and aspects (eg: heart rate, speeds). Significant boost to senses, strength, and speed.

  • Passive: Naturally good eyesight, hearing, smell. Good body constitution.

  • Honor: Bring honor to his family name.

  • Duty: The strong must serve the weak.

  • Justice: To make the world a better place.

  • Pride: Wants something to be proud of.

  • Failure: Messing up, ruining his own work.

  • Insects: Nasty six legged beasts.

  • Small Spaces: Reminds him of Alistair's disciplining.

  • Darkness: See above.



Cody was born the older twin of Joe, the sons of Arial Evans and Ivan Maverick. Arial was an Outlander, a foreigner, while Ivan a natural citizen of Rostinika. Although Outlanders were looked down upon, her great strength in the field allowed her to serve as the Seventh Official of Rostinika: the Grand General. Ivan worked as an intelligence officer in the military.

Cody and Joe initially grew up privileged and gentle lives: their parents were busy yet loving, and the two looked up to their parents. What went wrong isn't clear to Cody. Arial grew disillusioned from the government and the system, an alarm for the Higher Ones. It got to a point where she was sent out during the Ten Years War in a highly dangerous area and intentionally assassinated. Her death was covered up as a tragedy, leaving Ivan heartbroken.


The Evans and Maverick family was ruined. The Evans Family had no more members (except prospecting Cody and Joe) and the Maverick heir began an alcoholic. Cody grew to hate his father for losing himself to alcohol, giving him his distaste to it. Finding the two children with a worthless father a waste, Alistair Patterson offered to help Cody bring glory to the Maverick name- which he took. Feeling left behind, Joe was whisked off by Markus Persson. The two brothers didn't speak well since.

Cody's training under Alistair was nothing short of hellious. His cries and emotions were stifled by discipline- often being shut in the dark. Alistair expected nothing but perfection from his Cody and kept him isolated for most of his youth. Cody grew to be a finely tuned machine of battle, perfect in everything at school. Alistair whispered tales to Cody- that his mother's distrust of the system was what had caused her death, and told him that the best way to live was to trust the system.


When Cody Maverick had grown up, many wondered what use Alistair had for him. Cody was quickly assigned in his young adulthood to form the Legalis Syndicate and become its first captain: an elite organization newly formed to protect the common folk from terrorists such as the Black Talons. However, he completely lost control of Cody when he instead focused on his reputation as the Vice President of Rostinika.

The years have passed and Cody's reputation has grown, as well as beginning to heal- although the scars will eternally remain. He has grown close to his boss- Warden Sophia Patterson, daughter of Alistair- and created many friendships in the Syndicate. However, now cannot help but to wonder why Alistair forced his hand so much to trust in this system... and like his mother he is beginning to have dangerous thoughts.


Sophia Patterson
  • At first sight, a strictly boss-subordinate relationship.
  • At second glance, a tender and eager friendship full of teasing and enjoyable joking around.
  • Hidden to most, a soft romantic tension.

Although being half raised by her father Alistair, Cody really only got to know Sophia in his time at the Syndicate. While Cody is the Captain and heads all frontline work, Sophia is the Lord of the Syndicate itself and his superior. To the public their relationship is formal, perhaps a bit too tender for a typical boss-employee relationship. To the other members of the Syndicate, they are close friends, often teasing each other and spending a near suspicious amount of time together. They both see each other as good friends, although perhaps there is a bit of romantic attraction blossoming...

Such a relationship may be questionable in high society, but never much of a problem. However, after Cody betrays the Syndicate and the government to join the Black Talons, her affections for Cody become dangerous. Sophia begins to question the goodness of the system as well, and she can no longer act as she did before...

Joe Evans
  • Estranged twin brothers.
  • Once a close and lively relationship, it has deteriorated into a strictly formal relationship.
  • Joe wishes they could become closer, but for some reason Cody has shut him out.

Once inseperable brothers, the two were torn apart. Alistair picked Cody up and left Joe to raise himself and take care of his alcoholic father. Joe was sponsored by Markus Persson in his education, and considering Alistair and Markus are rivals, they were further torn apart. Cody now works a position that requires contact with Joe, now an elite scout/spy, but he pushes Joe away in any personal advances. Cody is bitter that their mother only said goodbye to him and how Joe was only interested in raising their mother's name instead of their father's who had more history and prestige

Their distance pains Joe, but in the end benefits him. After Cody's betrayal, Joe avoids public scrutiny because his chosen family name is different and he was distant from Cody. However, when ordered to track down and bring information on Cody, Joe cannot help himself to do so... although Cody is willing to get rid of anyone in his way.

Alistair Patterson
  • Sponsor and student.
  • Alistair taught Cody to become strong and fit in high society. Cody is afraid of Alistair and his punishments but unaware of the manipulation.
  • Currently is distant, but Alistair can easily control Cody.

More like a mentor relationship than paternal, Alistair was rough and harsh on Cody. He found no issue, as Cody turned up "fine" and a good member of society. Alistair constantly manipulated Cody consciously, pushing him away from Joe and telling him how useless his parents were. Uses Cody's passion for justice and duty for his family name to control him. Alistair gave Cody the position of Captain of the Syndicate so he could be kept in the control of the government as he began to focus on his Vice President reputation. It is unclear what Alistair fully wants out of Cody.

The manipulation of Alistair has rendered Cody loyal to the government. However, Kraken's appearance breaks Cody out of it... but when the two face off, years of abuse and manipulation quickly catch up to Cody.

Code by AviCode