[3.] Cashel



3 months, 6 days ago

Basic Info


Cashel/Sgt. Cashel








July 7


Age: 35

Gender/pronouns: He/Him

Species: Human/Goomba

family: Father of Woozy

Friends: No close friends

Relationship: Widower

Cashel can be a rather quiet and gruff person; his low grumbly voice can seem off putting and the stuff he went through makes some assume he wants privacy at all times when that is simply not the case. Cashel is a very caring and loving father, he loves nothing more than his son, Woozy. He cares for a lot of people and is always worrying about the worst scenarios when it comes to those, he loves with all he has been through himself, his PTSD takes over his life causing him to fear the smallest things and be a bit overprotective at times. He sounds stern and serious most of the time but only wants to be heard and strict about it to get his point across, everything he does and says is usually out of love. However, he can show a meaner side of himself if anyone so much as looks at his son the wrong way. His son is all he has left and can't stand the thought of anything happening to him.

From a very young age, Cashel has always wanted to be a part of Bowsers troop. Unfortunately, he was not accepted for several years until he was able to prove his strength. Wishing to join as young as possible definitely backfired, being part of the troop at 25 rather than 18. He was a bit disappointed, but overall proud of his eventual accomplishment. He had a very loving wife and at the time a very young child he loved dearly. Now with a new role in his life as a Bowsers Troop member, he had to leave his wife behind at home to fulfill his new duties and keep Bowser and the castle safe. Doing all the jobs that must be done by a fighting Goomba. He was always very brave, but always a very easy target since his running abilities have always been lacking. By the time he was 31, he had to be pulled out of the troop and retire. Suffering many injuries such as a blow to the eye that left him half blind, and his arm being amputated, he was not allowed to fight anymore. He suffered various back injuries as well, so he needs a cane to get around. Unfortunately, Cashel was also met with the horrific news that his wife had passed away while he was in rehab due to her having a broken heart fearing for her husband's life. His son was then placed in his care as they both now lived within Bowsers castle, which Cashel was beyond grateful for. He grieves the loss of his wife every day but is just glad to be alive to take care of his son, always needing reminded to take care of himself. He just enjoys telling stories of his adventures as a once higher up Goomba troop member and reminiscing on his life before he was forced to retire. All he wanted was to retire and go home to his wife and son, but to still have his son in the end he feels rather lucky. His lack of energy makes doing most things impossible but as he tells others to never give up, he tries to take his own advice to the best of his ability. 


  • Cashel really loves Raspberries and Raspberry flavored things

  • He sometimes has a bit of anger issues, but it is usually reasonable. His anger issues didn't start until after he retired

  • He really enjoys old/classical music

  • Even though he is retired, he still works within the troop at Bowsers castle, taking care of smaller tasks he is capable of doing.

  • Besides losing his wife, he also lost a few friends in battles

  • No longer needs his spikey Goomba hat, but keeps it and wears it sometimes anyways

  • His favorite thing to do is sit in his favorite chair in the mornings with a nice warm coffee and his son asleep in his arms. He loves him so much. If that is not yet obvious. 

Voice Claim: TBD

Song: TBD