Sophia York



5 years, 9 months ago



Sophia York

The Confidant and Tragic Love Interest - Faltering Faith

"Now don't you dare falter, since I expect everyone to remain in good faith."


A close confidant and the love interest of the story. Sophia is equally hot headed and virtuous as the hero, working as a close friend whose affections to the hero even after his betrayal remain constant.

Cody and Sophia can be considered reflections of each other. They are equally trusting in the system Alistair has taught them to abide in, powerful in society's standards and understanding of their duty to serve. Like Cody, who is haunted by his two parents' failures, she is haunted by her brother's betrayal. Sophia has thrown herself into service to make up for those mistakes of the past, determined to bring justice to the world. However, she cannot help to notice her closest friend grow disillusioned from their mission. His betrayal is like a punch in the gut and a waking call- after all, if Cody tore himself away from this systme, there must be somethign that is an issue... right?


Stubborn and hotheaded, Sophia is obstinate and unrelenting. She is said to be incredibly overwhelming and determined, easily annoyed when things do not go her way. Her words are laced in sass and sarcasm, with an almost nonchalant attitude which flares up like an angry cat. Sophia's eagerness makes her close to even ordinary members of the Syndicate, although her duty- and formal side- will always come before friendliness, unlike Cody who prioritizes his friendships over being formal.

Like others of her class and background, Sophia has an immense trust in the system. Her stubborn attitude immediately throws out any implications by others that say differently, making her naive and almost foolish. Being the type to forge many friendships but only care about a few, her closeness to Cody and his inevitable betrayal is what makes her begin to question her raising and father's teachings.


  • Age 22 Years
  • Gender Female
  • Pronouns She/They
  • Sexuality Asexual
  • Romantic Biromantic
  • R. Status Single
  • Organization Legalis Syndicate
  • Ability Type Manipulation
  • V. Status Alive, Inactive
  • Theme Gray Catbird - Brief Bursts of Activity, Songbird


  • Family Names Patterson, York
  • Selected Name York
  • 1st Name Divine Wisdom
  • Last Name Dynasty of Kings
  • Title(s) Lord
  • Allias(es) Athena (Goddess of Wisdom, War)
  • Nickname(s) Fi (by Landon)
  • Form of Address Sophia, Lord Sophia Patterson
  • Late Dusk
  • Fine Wine
  • Long Coats
  • Simplicity
  • Sweets
  • Playful Banter
  • Tricky People/Behavior
  • Jewelry
  • Cats
  • Unorthodoxy/Breaking Tradition
  • Chaos
  • The Ocean
  • Unnecessary Fights
  • Wasting Time
  • "Divine wisdom" refers to how Sophia is more experienced despite being of a similar age than Cody. She is his source of knowledge for the front half of the story.
  • Likes people who can lie and trick their way to success- they're more exciting than people who are too open.
  • Originally Patterson, changed her name after her brother James' betrayal.
  • Likes freedom of movement.
  • Hair grows curlier the longer she doesn't shower.
Overall Tier
  • "Look down at me and you will find yourself at my feet."
  • "I believe in the system, because it is the result of the wisdom of our previous generations. You must be a fool to mistrust them!
  • "If this were a story, it would be a satirical fool's tragedy where the readers scoff at our inability to understand."
  • Reading: Surprisingly likes fantasy.

  • Sewing: No longer has time for it, but loves heart patterns.

  • Flying: On her guardian spirit, Syrlot.

  • Walks: Long, peaceful walks on a beach.

  • Flicking Lolipop Stick: When thinking and eating candy.

  • Touch Hem of Clothes: Subtle, when nervous.

  • Drinking from Cup: When uneasy.

  • Tapping Fingers: When in thought.

  • Loyal: To a select few.

  • Leader: Strong minded and communicater.

  • "Friendly": Makes friends easily... although she may not care for them.

  • Strong Minded: Never backs down.

  • Naive: Trusts in a broken system.

  • Inaction: Moves only when sure she will benefit.

  • Cold: Only cares for a few people.

  • Snappish: Gets frustrated easily.

  • Active: Can increase or decrease gravitational pull in an area or on objects/organisms. It cannot be canceled by anyone a lower tier than her.

  • Passive: Accurately can guess mass, weight, and distance of objects or organisms.

  • Duty: It's been her families' purpose all this time.

  • Justice: Face your crimes.

  • Find a Self Purpose: Always has been based in others previously.

  • Be Happy: Be content, just for once.

  • Being Forgotten: Needs to be extraordinary.

  • Abandonment: To be left alone by her friends.

  • Loss: Losing those she truly cares for.

  • Fish: Just... ew.



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Nam vitae ultricies metus, in rutrum nisi. Phasellus porta ullamcorper mauris, id pharetra velit pulvinar id. Ut sit amet felis porta, mattis eros et, pulvinar velit. Pellentesque interdum nulla a ex finibus, sed cursus lacus tincidunt. Cras condimentum ipsum eget tristique venenatis. Morbi at bibendum felis, sit amet commodo orci. Cras efficitur massa consequat diam eleifend porta. Nullam vel turpis id nibh molestie auctor.


Duis tellus arcu, mattis ut venenatis quis, mattis sed orci. Vestibulum maximus dolor ante, id pellentesque ipsum egestas eget. Quisque consectetur nisi eget lacus aliquet, quis mollis erat sagittis. Nam bibendum euismod lacus nec posuere. Suspendisse ac aliquam ante. Duis nec egestas quam. Fusce nisi ipsum, iaculis ac gravida eget, eleifend ac eros. Nulla facilisi. Cras vitae maximus libero. Nam laoreet, lacus at laoreet faucibus, odio odio ornare purus, sed semper quam leo vitae ante. Donec viverra leo nibh, eu molestie mauris cursus convallis. Pellentesque vel ipsum turpis. Donec imperdiet lacinia velit, sed eleifend mauris rutrum vel. Quisque sit amet eros orci. Quisque eu imperdiet mi. Suspendisse eget justo id enim hendrerit porttitor.

Nunc convallis leo mollis, varius augue non, faucibus metus. Nulla dolor tortor, vehicula eget ullamcorper at, ullamcorper quis nisi. Proin sollicitudin risus enim, vel feugiat felis ultricies ut. Sed mauris eros, tempor ut libero ut, dignissim aliquam risus. Ut pharetra eu mauris eget facilisis. Aliquam metus libero, imperdiet eu commodo non, rhoncus ut est. Suspendisse venenatis nulla et massa venenatis, non tincidunt justo elementum. Cras vel ipsum magna.


  • Briefly describe relationship dynamic here.
  • Keep it short and straight to the point so people can understand the basics of the relationship at a glance.
  • This box will not scroll.

Provide a more in-depth explanation of the relationship here. Aliquam erat lectus, lobortis in mattis quis, tincidunt quis ante. Morbi ac urna eros. Suspendisse id felis tellus. Pellentesque in felis aliquam, lacinia dui ut, congue augue. Maecenas sodales metus quis diam egestas, in mattis ex ullamcorper. Duis felis magna, pellentesque et imperdiet id, interdum nec elit. Donec congue blandit ex et mattis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Fusce pulvinar quam dignissim neque convallis, id faucibus arcu convallis. Sed vitae nisl id nibh porta eleifend. Suspendisse faucibus tincidunt erat ut venenatis. In cursus venenatis tellus.

Aliquam mattis magna vel porta interdum. Quisque ipsum lacus, consectetur at ornare vitae, accumsan finibus mi. Donec luctus finibus nisl a condimentum. Suspendisse euismod sed dolor vitae imperdiet. In eu varius nisi. Vivamus et dui vel felis congue suscipit. Aenean eget dolor nunc. Suspendisse convallis sem a cursus commodo.

  • Briefly describe relationship dynamic here.
  • Keep it short and straight to the point so people can understand the basics of the relationship at a glance.
  • This box will not scroll.

Provide a more in-depth explanation of the relationship here. Aliquam erat lectus, lobortis in mattis quis, tincidunt quis ante. Morbi ac urna eros. Suspendisse id felis tellus. Pellentesque in felis aliquam, lacinia dui ut, congue augue. Maecenas sodales metus quis diam egestas, in mattis ex ullamcorper. Duis felis magna, pellentesque et imperdiet id, interdum nec elit. Donec congue blandit ex et mattis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Fusce pulvinar quam dignissim neque convallis, id faucibus arcu convallis. Sed vitae nisl id nibh porta eleifend. Suspendisse faucibus tincidunt erat ut venenatis. In cursus venenatis tellus.

Aliquam mattis magna vel porta interdum. Quisque ipsum lacus, consectetur at ornare vitae, accumsan finibus mi. Donec luctus finibus nisl a condimentum. Suspendisse euismod sed dolor vitae imperdiet. In eu varius nisi. Vivamus et dui vel felis congue suscipit. Aenean eget dolor nunc. Suspendisse convallis sem a cursus commodo.

Code by AviCode

The Warden of New Alcatraz and Cody Maverick's superior.

Very sassy and easy to anger. Sarcastic at times and likes to tease others.
Happens to ever so slightly be in love with Cody Maverick, but the feeling isn't mutual.