Valentine Lovelle



2 months, 21 days ago





He gives FREE therapy sessions & comfort to MILLIONS a day

More of an oc than a persona, but I project onto him :3



valentine k lovelle, aka val




march 10th






white, eng/asl




transmasc nb bigender


bi aroace cupioromantic


supernatural hunter


val was born to lorraine and adonis lovelle in the south. his parents were dysfunctional for most of his childhood, separating and getting back together several times. they had never gotten married, so divorce wasn't a factor, though val typically only saw his father on the weekends. they moved a lot when he was younger, until settling in florida when he was nine, where the break-ups stopped. val had begun seeing spirits of the dead when he was four, though he had no word to properly describe what he was witnessing on a daily basis. as he grew, it became normal. he lacked the emotional capability to properly express what was happening outwardly. eventually, when he got older, he confided in his mother. she was a superstitious woman, and so she believed him, proceeding to sage the house along with various other spiritual practices. the spirits haunting val (not the home) didn't like this. lorraine had been ill since she was ten, but had slowly been making a recovery. though, as soon as she began trying to banish the spirits, her health declined rapidly. she died on october 20th in the hospital, when val was twelve and she was thirty-eight. val saw the spirit of a man standing in the corner of the room when she died, later putting the pieces together. he was essentially gaslit, eventually believing he had been hallucinating. he began taking antipsychotics, although they did nothing to help. at age seventeen, he saw his mother's spirit standing in the doorway. he thought he was having a psychological break, and went to take his medication. when he opened the pill bottle, his mother's ring was inside. there was no logical explanation for this, and her ghost was already gone when he went to check. from then on, he knew the things he was seeing were real. he began hunting the undead, and eventually other supernatural beings, to avenge his mother's death, wearing the ring on a necklace. when he was nineteen, he recieved a call from his highschool friend, victoria. it turned out she had been possessed by an angel by the name of amael, who had no idea how to properly use a phone. val believed amael to be something demonic, though the two eventually settled into a somewhat-peaceful coexistence. amael asked val to be their permanent vessel, and he refused, telling them to leave. they didn't see each other again until val was twenty.


val still lives in florida, residing in an apartment building he works two jobs to pay for. he's employed at a video game/cd store and does digital art commissions on the side. he'd attended online college classes for a small period of time but eventually could no longer keep it up, prioritizing hunting over everything else. he believes it's his purpose. he met falee collins after visiting an abandoned house during the late hours of the night to banish a spirit. falee was a youtuber who specialized in ghost hunting and paranormal videos, who was filming the home. val hid his true intention of coming there, joining falee's video with the secret alterior motive of getting rid of what was haunting the house. from then on, he and falee became very close friends, almost like siblings. by some coincidence, falee also so happened to live in the apartment room below val's. val became a reoccuring and eventually permanent guest of falee's channel, called 'super usual'. the fans began calling them superboys as a duo name. val plays the part of a skeptic on camera, and hides his true involvement with the supernatural. he met dean, sam, and castiel when they'd showed up to a house he and falee were already filming in. he made it very clear to them that they shouldn't tell falee anything about hunting. castiel's existence confirmed the fact amael was truly an angel to val, and he wasn't sure how to cope with the information, leading to him and cas not getting along very well. he eventually got in touch with amael again, after tfw stumbled across them. the two entered a complicated relationship, not quite platonic but not quite romantic, but very theirs. they are very dysfunctional together, their relationship bordering on abusive and manipulative on both sides. val will eventually get into an argument with falee once they find out he's been lying, but the two will make up eventually. val will die at age thirty-eight in a double suicide with amael, where he will stab them with an angel blade and they will hand-feed him an apple laced with cyanide. falee will walk in on their last moments and it will scar them for life. they will begin hunting after val's death, the last thing he would've ever wanted for them, specializing in hunting angels as pseudo-revenge against amael for 'taking their sibling's life.'


  • his favorite foods are chicken rotel, pasta salad, alfredo, and pistachio ice cream
  • his favorite drinks are apple juice, sprite, chocolate milk, and peanut butter milkshakes
  • his favorite holiday is valentine's day ("it's my day!")
  • he changed his name from valentina to valentine when he turned eighteen
  • he uses a water gun against supernatural entities, but he fills it with salt and holy water instead
  • he named his gun 'merritt'
  • most of what he knows, such as medical knowledge and knowledge of the supernatural, comes purely from trial and error/experience
  • he documents knowledge about the paranormal that he's learned in his journal
  • he is a compulsive/pathological liar. he started lying to protect himself and the people around him, primarily picking it up from his mother, but eventually began to lie about small things on instinct
  • he has three childhood dogs and one cat, but they stay with his father. he doesn't trust himself to be able to take care of them
  • he often uses his necklace to make decisions. he'll kiss it and ask a question (out loud or mentally) and let it go, spinning a circle means yes and moving in a line means no
  • his default pose is either hands on his hips or t-rex hands
  • he cannot stay still, he's always moving in some way (bouncing his legs or on his toes, swaying, rocking, etc.)
  • his lips are chapped from biting them so much
  • he's a nail biter
  • former theatre kid and it shows
  • inconsistent personality due to extreme mood swings
  • he is autistic and has bipolar, separation anxiety, PTSD, and vertigo
  • he takes mood stabilizers (lamotrigine) but is very inconsistent about taking them, which is a main contributer to his instability
  • he constantly sprains his ankles, and has crutches and a boot in his apartment on standby
  • he can pop his limbs back into their sockets
  • the first time he popped a limb back into it's socket, he was seventeen. he tried to copy what he'd seen in shows and eventually had to do it so much he became experienced
  • he has an extremely high pain tolerance, at least outwardly, as he hardly expresses pain
  • he can ride a skateboard
  • the scar on his eye is a burn scar, a poltergeist threw a candle towards his face when he was seventeen
  • fire makes him nervous. he can't cook well because of it and he has to look away when spirits combust into flames
  • he cannot swim, never got taught and never bothered to learn
  • he dyes and cuts his own hair
  • he speaks in a lower voice, but his laugh and sobs are high pitched
  • he's on testosterone
  • he uses old spice deodorant
  • his closet is literally several copies of the same outfit
  • the first cranberries shirt he got was a hand-me-down from his mother. he keeps buying them in his mom's size, so they're all a little big on him
  • he calls his mom 'mama' and often refers to her as if she's alive
  • he has a red butterfly tattoo on his wrist, his mom had a blue one
  • he enjoys painting his nails, his mom taught him how to
  • he smokes, having picked it up from his parents as a kid. breathing in the smoke all the time gave him a second-hand addiction
  • he drinks alcohol despite being a year under the legal drinking age
  • his favorite song is zombie by the cranberries, it was also his mother's
  • he's very sensitive to temperature, heat specifically, and it often makes him overstimulated
  • falee's nickname for him is vee. his nickname for them is starby or starshine
  • he unironicallu calls starbucks 'starbies', which is the reason he nicknamed falee 'starby'
  • partially blind in his scarred eye
  • he uses the same brand and scent of perfume that his mother did, lavender
  • he has two older half-siblings. a sister named max, and a brother named saya


  • pasta
  • animals
  • art
  • writing
  • nicknames
  • soft/silk textures
  • taylor swift
  • folkpunk
  • red apples
  • sunflowers
  • white and red roses


  • hot weather
  • hospitals
  • bugs
  • math
  • sports
  • loud sounds
  • romance in media
  • trying new foods
  • large social events
  • certain textures (ex. denim)


  • very pale. natural blush on cheeks, nose, shoulders, and joints that make him appear almost sickly
  • very fluffy hair
    • length can vary. tufts of hair curl around his cheeks
  • pear-like body type with very pronounced hips and thighs
  • knocked knees
  • necklace never comes off. wears iron rings on every finger
  • moles all over his body
  • brown circular birthmark on the back of right calf. brown birthmark on lower neck
  • snakebite piercings
  • entire body is very scarred. noteable ones include burn scars on both shoulders and a stab wound scar on his chest
  • extremely flat chested


falee is val's best friend. he views them as an older sibling and is incredibly protective of them because of it. he views them as more naive than they really are, putting them on a pedestal of 'purity'. he's willing to do anything for the sake of what he believes is protecting them, even if it ends up hurting them instead.


amael and val are in an unlabeled relationship. they don't vocalize what exactly it is, because they both know without having to say it. val takes out most of his anger and frustration on amael so he can avoid taking anything out on falee. their relationship is unhealthy on both sides but they will never leave each other, as they're the only ones who will love each other in this way. they will be the death of each other snd they're both fully aware of it. amael demeans val and pushes him just to see how he'll react in certain situations. val is the one who primarily teaches amael about humanity, and it's through pain. he's actively corrupting an angel, tainting them.


adonis is val's father and only living parent. their relationship is complicated, especially due to val's mother's death. they truly care for each other, but lack the ability to express it. adonis is emotionally unavailable and val has grown used to it. it's not hard to tell where he got his pain tolerance or fear of vulnerability from, when you see him next to his father.


victoria is val's friend from highschool. they met in theatre, when val was stage manager for the fall play and she was one of the actors. she's one of the few friends val keeps in contact with, at least to some extent. he needs to call more often than he does.