Pvz customs (Open!)'s Comments

Ooh, I'd love a custom pvz plant or two!

I can offer art or custom in exchange.

Art examples?

would 2 customs be fine?

For 1?

2 customs from me in exchange for 2 customs from u

2 Replies

Also, you have a discord we can talk on?

Hello! I offer my art for a custom pvz, if you like I can show my art on discord!

Here I leave you my discord: kageyama_akemi

Would you be able to make a custom character and a piece of art?

Howdy! I wanna offer my art or a custom / adopt for a pvz custom. exploding

Would you be willing to do a custom and a piece of art? If that's ok with you

I accidentally responded to the comment with my sales account lol

Yeah sure! I'm willing to do that!


You have a discord we can talk on?

If not that’s fine 

Ye! my account is neotheworm on discord!


Sorry for the late response btw

1 Replies

Gday!!! Would you mind if i offered to draw you a pvz custom right back at ya?


Do you have a discord we can talk on? If not that's fine! 

Yup I do!!! My user there is itsnotnameless


i could offer a chibi drawing.

art in my art tab

your art is cute

do you have a discord we can talk on ?

yeah crappyfunk#6096

didn't work

I sent you a message with my discord 

I think I found you

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I didn't really see anyone that caught my attention :/

And I'll think about the art offer!

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I think I can accept the art

u have discord?