Crispy Apple Cake Cookie



2 months, 6 days ago


-had a cowboy thing going on once til he ended up at sea and was like "ok pirate now I guess lmao!"

-is a dogfish shark. Seapuppy man!

-Very chonk. Much wow!

-Just a happy go luck doggo with huge chompers. Don't worry he prefers apples

-The scent of jam still gets to him sometimes. Look away 'Kay? He may lose control in not the best ways for him 

-Who needs a ship or big weapons when he's a triple threat already? My guy is fully ready to go all out 

-Got "adopted" by Fermented Grape with the power of sweet fruits. Now he's the crew navigator/guard dog

-Is spoiled by the fabulous captain and gets cheeky about it to the others 

-The most loyal to this sparkling crew