Whisper's Comments

zamasugoi willowshineshe SilverStarStudio

Thank you for your entries! The winner has been decided

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name ; ravenstripe
gender ; male
ravenstripe is a very sweet, loving tom. he is one of willowshine's (my fursona) best friends, and a (unknown) brother of nightcloud, nightbristle and nightwhisper's. ravenstripe is very nice and very kind, always helping others out. though he can be slightly stubborn at times, he usually does what he thinks is best for others. thank you so much for the chance <3

I would also be using this one daily in roleplay's and getting art of them. Their story would actually intertwine with https://toyhou.se/3277400.ziya along the lines of becoming bestfriends and almost siblings. 

Name: Ravencloud

Age: 18 moons

Gender: Male

Perso: He is very headstrong and often rushes into things without thinking about consequences. He had a kind heart but rarely shows it unless you really know him. He is swift, stubborn and often gets into situations where he needs talonstripes help to get out unscathed. 

Bio: Unlike his bestfriend Talonstripe, he isnt full windclan. He is part windclan and part rogue. Due to this, he was often bullied as a kit and apprentice about that and his mis-matched eyes which caused him to be so reserved about his feelings and such now. He met talonstripe when she was talonpaw and after talking to her for a while he became close with her. 

Congratulations! You've won the WTA

I'll transfer them over now