


5 years, 8 months ago


Name: GenShin
Alias: People call them the ‘Puppateer’.
Age: At least 5 years.
Gender: ?! (Presumed Male, females have longer tails.)
Race: Alien species from planet Noinov, a very curious type called a shemblika.
Occupation: A shadow lurking monster, waiting to take control of someone’s life in attempt to live it as they see fit.
Affiliation: ?! (We’ll go with Villain)

Details: Born in the shadowy marshes of Noinov, Gen is one of 3 mother-born shemblika, a very silent and hidden species. Usually, these monsters wade in the waters or hide in the shadows, curiously watching their surroundings, waiting for a chance to strike for their food. Most the time they are fairly docile, however there are some which can be more aggressive than the others. Usually these shemblika had been in danger at one point in their life.
Gen had been captured as a growing cub, and thrown into a laboratory in Erilia. Using the shadows, he escaped and wandered into a foreign city.
It didn’t take long before he knew he wasn’t in a safe place, and he wouldn’t be able to hide forever. With his limited knowledge and scattered English, he managed his way into adulthood and eventually became a master of the shadows, using his abilities to his benefit. Perhaps…if he could make a human his, he could live peacefully? 

Ability Notes: 
Is able to hide within the shadows.
Can climb walls/ceilings, etc.
Uses the ‘webbing’ it can produce as a sort of leeching connection to humans and other aliens, being able to control everything but their mind.

Health notes:
Is able to heal over the course of a few days, so long as it is hidden and not moving.
Is not very active, is much more stealthy than anything.