Keldaryn Rhelehan Mihranni



6 months, 6 days ago


(I've left all the marks for lines going through things and spoilers for me to go back and adjust at my own leisure.)

Keldaryn (Aryn) pronounced AH - rin  

Rhelehan Mihranni 

bastard son of the previous Duke and high Magistrate of Wavesmeet 

||his mother was a dunmer "servant" ~~slave~~ owned by house Mihranni||

Rerneir's (the current Duke and high Magistrate of Wavesmeet) bastard half-brother 

Rerneir's Seneschal and Personal Body Guard

Master swordsmen, Fighter and Sorcerer 

||Secretly working for the Almsivi Temple, the enemy to house Mihranni's religious cult. 

he's been secretly trained and a member the Morag Tong, under orders of House Mihranni to protect whoever the 'current Duke' is. 

he's laundering money to finance the Bosmer rebellions guerrilla warfare in Valenwood against the Aldmeri occupation and helping in orchestrating the political unrest and power coup from within of House Mihranni. 

Aryn truly believes that with the Tribunal + the people of Valenwood’s help he can take over house Mihranni and become the Duke of Wavesmeet and drive the Aldmeri Dominion out of Valenwood and secure an alliance with Cyrodiil and Morrowind. 

but first, he's got to hold up his end of the deal with the Tribunal which is; Kill his Brother Rerneir and all the members of Azura's cult within house Mihranni. oh and locate and kill the Nerevarine, who may or may not actually be his lover. So yeah, no pressure.||

due to Rerneir's straight up psychopathic and paranoid tendencies, he only trusts Aryn. which unfortunately, is not a good thing. 

while Aryn does have an familial affection and some part of him genuinely does care for Rerneir and wants to keep his brother safe and reign his psychosis in. he's very much aware of the fact his brother is a deranged paranoid murderous psychopath who will order the pointless murder of his subjects and own clan members on a whim, and do so gleefully. Aryn has Rerneir's full trust, and the only person able to reign him in and bring him back down to Nirn when he's about to do something psychotic, simply by using his cunning to manipulate Rerneir into agreeing that what Aryn wants is actually what Rerneir wants and should do. 

While Aryn is cunning, charismatic, and manipulative, he is not proud of these things. in fact, he feels shame over even having to do those things. it makes him feel disingenuous and makes him think he's just as bad as the people he's morally opposed to. he's learned these things as a way to survive the harsh nobility he's been raised around and been forced to protect his entire life. he uses these skills to attempt to de-escalate situations, and try to protect the people they're supposed to be governing over. 

When Rerneir marries Dinalyne, Altmer/Dunmer woman who's 20 years his junior, he treats her like absolute shit. Aryn is the one to remind him that she's; 

1. the key component to their continued alliance with the Aldmeri dominion 

2. believed among his own 'religion' ~~cult~~ to be the Nerevar reborn. ~~which is wrong and a lie spread by the Aldmeri Dominion to make the cult want to accept her~~

3. believed to be the first Chimer born since the 2nd era ~~also a lie spread by the dominion. Since the cult is obsessed with trying to become Chimer again through religious purity to Azura, the cult thinks she's proof of that being possible because of her appearance. She just happens to have a dunmer mother and altmer father, she just looks like her dad instead of a Dunmer. ~~

So Rerneir needs to stop treating her like shit, or at the very least stop being physically abusive to the now DUCHESS and possible Nerevarine, unless he actively WANTS his 'religion' and the Dominion to send assassins to kill him. because that's how you get assassins sent to kill you. 

Rerneir doesn't want to deal with Dinalyne being an unruly bitch, but doesn't trust anyone who guards her to not be manipulated by her and become his enemy (because he's paranoid) so he has Aryn be her body guard and spy on her for Rerneir. because Rerneir is obsessed with thinking she wants him dead, which tbh she does but she never actually has anyone try to kill him, because it would just fuck her over in the end. 

Aryn and Dinalyne actually over the course of two years become close friends, confidants,|| and eventual lovers.|| Aryn and Dina realize pretty early on that they have similar morals and ideals, and both realize that Rerneir left unchecked is a dangerous threat to both of them, their noble House, and Valenwood as a whole. 

so they both work together to try to deal with rerneir's insanity and have each other's back while plotting against him. their plan is to remove Rerneir from power, as carefully and cleanly as possible and put one of Dinalyne's kids in his position power when the time comes and have Aryn act as Duke until the child is legally an adult and can be Duke. they do this all in secret though, and keep up a guise of cordial indifference towards one another publicly for the better part of 10 years. 

||All of Dinalyne's 3 kids are Aryns. None of them are Rerneirs.||

||when Aris is born with Womb-burn and not looking like a Chimer, Rerneir immediately disowns them and tells the midwives to just kill baby Aris.

Since House Mihranni is based around magic and Aris having Womb-burn means they can never regenerate Magicka it makes them, at least to Rerneir, “defective” and “useless”. 

And since they only married Dinalyne to have kids who look like her, like a Chimer, which Aris does not, he sees no point in keeping Aris alive. 

 Dina angrily confronts rerneir and makes up some bullshit about how it's not her fault Aris is 'like that' but his, and it's Azura's punishment to him for not being a good husband to her.

 which does not help the situation and only makes him hate Aris even more. it's Aryn who de-escalates the situation and pulls rerneir aside and tells him that the child being Rerneir’s blood already makes the child vastly superior to everyone else, Even if they are 'defective', which he doesn't believe in his brothers cults weird ass eugenics bullshit, but it strokes rerneir's insane ego and saves baby Aris from being killed. so he says it.

Aryn tells rerneir that instead of Rerneir having to raise the child, He'll raise it and tell everyone it's his own bastard child so any shame the kid brings onto their noble House falls onto Aryn instead, and they'll say Dina's baby actually died. 

So in her grief Rerneir’s "allowed her" to take care of Aryn’s bastard. So that he doesn't have to deal with the shame of the child not looking like a chimer and having Womb-burn, so he looks benevolent and good to everyone for doing so, Dina can help raise her kid without questions asked, and Aryn can help raise Aris like how he was raised and be his future sibling/s body guard, like he is to Rerneir. Rerneir agrees to this, but full responsibility of Aris falls on Aryn and Dina. 

Aris grows up believing Rerneir is their biological father, due to them growing up around hushed hearing rumors about;

'the night Dina's baby died, Aryn just so happens to show up with a bastard son of his own??? that's definitely the Duke's own bastard and they're covering it up for him. but no one would dare say anything though, he'd probably kill the people saying those things and the kid out of spite and shame. the poor thing' 

So Aris (incorrectly) thinks;

That Aryn is their half uncle who's raising them to save face for their half brother the Duke. but genuinely looks up to Aryn and sees them as a mentor and father figure. 

That Dina isn't their bio mom, but she's raised them like she is. so that's all that matters to them. they utterly adore her.

And they are terrified of Rerneir, who they think is their actual father, because he's just genuinely a cruel and fucked up person. ||

It's a very complicated situation. 

over the years Aryn does actually start to believe Dina could quite honestly be the Nerevar reborn. the way people effortlessly gravitate towards her, how she's a natural born leader, it's these things that make him start to see it in her and think she might actually be the threat the Tribunal thinks she is. The Nerevar reborn, and it's this line of thought that eventually leads to him, regrettably, killing her.

When the Morag Tong under the orders of the Tribunal and the Bosmer rebellion he's been funding together attack Wavesmeet in full force, betraying him. with the orders to 'kill the possible nerevarine Dinalyne, and scorch House Mihranni from the face Nirn.' 

So in the chaos of all of this happening, fully believing Dina actually is the Nerevarine, Aryn dawns his Morag Tong armour to move through the chaos of what's happening with ease and then finds and murders Dinalyne in her own garden.

||after she's watched her two youngest kids be slaughtered by assassins, fought her way out of the keep, to only then let her guard down at seeing Aryn. She dies genuinely thinking she's made it out of this madness, her beloved has as well and they're going to escape together once they find what's left of their children. (i.e. only Aris) only to be cut down by him in cold blood.||

Aryn does think this will end the cycle of violence and cool the political climate that their House/Clan has been spiraling into because of the Aldmeri Dominion, The Almsivi Temple, The Cult of Azura's Faithful, The Morag Tong, and even the Bosmer rebellion that's been cropping up across all of Valenwood and has made its way into their own ranks and home in Wavesmeet. he desperately thinks by doing this he can save his House/Clan from the wrath of the Tribunal, Morag Tong, etc. and he is wrong. 

This unfortunately ends up accomplishing nothing, his House/Clan are still completely annihilated and he ends up with Dinalyne's blood on his hands. He unfortunately realizes, to his horror, that he had two witnesses to Dina's murder; 

||Lenora and Aris hiding in the garden, who were waiting for Dinalyne and Aris' siblings to escape the keep. because Aris refused to leave without them. only to hear their mother say that their siblings are dead and then watch Aryn murder her. It's at that moment Aris is revealed to be the actual Nerevarine by the sudden spectral presence of Indoril Nerevar standing alongside Aris. Aris then uses their ancestral wraith to set the entire garden a blaze and escape with Lenora.

which makes Aryn realize just how much he's completely and utterly fucked up;

1. he's fallen for the Dominions bullshit propaganda and lies, and in doing so has just made a martyr out of Dinalyne for the Dominion, out of desperation for trying to save his House/Clan, and (what's left of) his kids.

2. he just murdered the love of his life, his closest friend, and the one person aside from his kids he genuinely cared about. 

3. he just murdered Aris' mother in front of them, in trying to protect his child he has turned his child against him forever.  

4. That Aris, his own child, was actually the Nerevarine all along and everything he's done was for nothing. on top of now having made an enemy of the actual Nerevarine, his own fucking kid. 

5. he's basically doomed his people and made everything worse off than it ever was by meddling in these things. 

6. that his life is basically forfeit now, because the only other choice he has is to kill his own child. the person he was so desperately trying to save by killing 'the nerevarine' aka Dinalyne.

So Aryn just accepts his fate in the inferno that is the garden. holding Dinalyne's corpse and repeatedly apologizes to it. waiting for the flames to consume him.

||he unfortunately is pulled from the flames by another Morag Tong member and survives this, but frim head to toe is HEAVILY burned. 

Everyone believing he died during the events at Wavesmeet, Aryn takes up a new name and goes to Cyrodiil. eventually ending up running the Morag Tong’s hidden sanctuary there. 

About 15 years later when Aris and Lenora are infiltrating the Morag Tong, they meet a Morag Tong sanctuary leader who's a Dunmer, from Valenwood. 

under his armour he's wrapped almost completely in black bandages head to toe, the only thing that's really visible from underneath them and his hood, is that he has violet coloured eyes and everyone says he's a burn victim who was in Wavesmeet during the purge there. 

Aris immediately knows this is Aryn and breaks their cover and just flies into a rage and starts stabbing Aryn to death. 

Aryn doesn't even try to stop Aris and just accepts that this was his fate finally catching up to him and it's what he deserves for everything he's done.||

(to be filled out later)