


3 months, 11 days ago

Basic Info


Melle... Bugs?


Mysterious (they/she)

Hatch day

April 24

Theme song

Hideaway TOMI, Andy you're a Star the Killers


Black rail character. Main tab is D&D kenku, also warriors OC tab. Similar backstories and personalities for both.

Melle is literally just a misspelling of Melee, but I think it really vibes.

"Swamp knight" is the phrase that keeps playing in my head. A well-armed and skulky little tough guy.

  • Very small adult. Big feet, stocky little body, stubby tail. Bright red eyes!
  • Probably looks pretty frail and skinny, but is much stronger than appearances let on
  • I've done several 'anthro' Black Rail designs to try and get a Vibe for her, but none of them are feeling quite right, it's just too generic of a design right now.

Melle spent her whole life living in the swamp, but invasive pests released by humans in a nearby town to control more dangerous monsters have taken to targeting the people and creatures in the swamp more often than 'monsters' that threaten the town. The dam-builders in the swamp have also been chased off, largely draining the swamp as their structures degrade. Melle's home, no longer a safe haven, has been vacated by most of its inhabitants and overrun by monsters, ironically. Melle hopes to return to this swamp and eliminate both threats, but knows she will easily be outnumbered and that most crowd control would irreparibly destroy the habitat.

On their zero-charisma score, Melle is making their best effort to rally the people who once lived in the swamp back together, as well as gain the support of townsfolk ignorant of the damage and infestation in the swamp, to fight off the creatures and restore their home. Autism be damned, they will do it.

I have never seen a black rail, probably never will (there are experts that dedicate themselves to seeing these elusive birds and see them once every other year or less), but I am enamored and fixated on them. I live near one of their... horrible endangered fragments of population and I look for them on wild hope. The first time I saw a specimen I was completely shocked at how ridiculously tiny they are. This bird is in the same family as cranes which may be 4-5 feet tall and 15+ pounds... and this thing is the size of a wren and weighs less than the sugar contents of your average soda. What the hell.

They're ridiculously pretty too, with feathers in a speckled "starry" pattern, a similar vibe to loons, but still very very different.

But in my obsession, I've made multiple characters inspired off of this species with a lot of shared traits related to rails. It's just this bird-- but I threw my fixation into various universes.

  • D&D character--Melle, a stealthy and mysterious Kenku(?) Ranger
  • Warriors OC--Railsong, a tiny and deadly Shadowclan Warrior