
3 months, 12 days ago






Age33 moons

GenderFemale (she/her)


past names

  • N/A

Gale is an extremely loyal cat who will do anything for her family. To her, blood means more than any other relationship. She acts more on instinct than on thoughts which leads her into unsavory situations more often than not, similar to her brother Silverfreckle. She is extremely confident in her own physical capabilities and does not shy away from any fight.

Positive Traits

  • + Strong
  • + Determined
  • + Loyal

Negative Traits

  • - Impulsive
  • - Overly confident
  • - Emotionally inept


  • Does not realize she's a woman lover
  • Absolutely no morals against killing. She can and will for minor inconvenience.
  • Age before time skip: 24 moons

fur length
wing type
eye color
body type
Small and stocky
Below average
herb knowledge
faith in starclan


Virga |

Mother Gale is extremely close to her mother. Early on she was taught to value ties to family above all else, so she will do anything for her. Virga was the main cat to raise her since her father was often gone.

Wigeon |

Father Gale is extremely close to her father. Early on she was taught to value ties to family above all else, so she will do anything for him. Though he was absent for half of her childhood, she does not hold it against him since he was constantly out searching for her missing brother.


Silverfreckle | Brother |

Silverfreckle is Gale's long lost brother. Mistaken as abandoned by his adoptive mother, he was taken from Gale's family at a very young age. She has only once had a brief encounter with him where she almost killed his adoptive 'father' for attacking him. Due to her actions Silverfreckle was forced to flee his family. He took off so fast during her altercation that she has yet to relocate him.


N/A | |

Early Life


When Gale was young, she was seperated from her littermate Silver early on. She has almost no memory of him, but she know the story her parents tell of it. At the time her father was heavily wounded and her mother had to seek out help. Unfortunately she could only carry one kit with her and once she got help for her mate she returned to where she had hidden Silver, only for him to be nowhere to be found. Much of her early kithood was spent in the company of only her mother since her father was out searching for Silver more often than not. She was always upset when he left, but never held it against him.

Young Life

Young adult

Most of her life as a young adult was spent like it was when she was a kit, though now that she was older they moved often. During one of his trips he came back with an injured leg and was confined to their home. Gale was ecstatic that he had to stay with them for a while, until she overheard her parents talking later that night. Her father was constantly searching to atone for what he believed to be his fault- if he had been more careful and hadn't gotten injured, they never would have had to leave their kit behind. Later, she proposed the idea that she go out instead to search. Her parents were very reluctant at the idea, but did eventually let her go. She spent weeks searching, and wasn't sure she even believed he was alive until she stumbled upon him inside a claimed territory. He was skeptical as she excitedly explained who she was and tried to convince him to come back home with her, but before she could convince him another- very furious- cat appeared. Based on the way her brother reacted to his presence Gale deemed him a threat and attacked. She only gave up her fight when more cats appeared. At some point in the chaos, Silver bolted and was nowhere to be found. Thus, her search started over.

Adult Life


After returning home and reporting what she learned, her whole family became nomadic, never staying in one place for more than a couple of days and searching together as a group.