
Tvetyal, a species made by Winter & Fireflii on

"Tvetyals are a unique species of dragon-like mammals, the closest modern animal approximation being a big canine with the behavior of a puffin. They come in a large variety of sizes, with the smallest about the size of a medium dog and the largest closer to the size of horses. Tvetyals are pack animals, and typically live in family units called bevies, which range in population from 7 to up to 40. Tvetyals can sport many different traits, but the most prominent is the heterochromic eyes that all Tvets possess. Some traits are more rare than others, and on ocassion, it is said that a Tvetyal may even be born with wings. Notably, Tvetyals are separated into two primary groups: Wild and Domestic. As the names may suggest, Wild Tvets are generally not receptive to humans and cannot be ridden. With enough work, a Wild Tvetyal can become Domestic, at which point they can be lifelong companions."

Size: 52

||A G O R A T H I U S||

{{ Ag-or-ath-E-us}}

A name suiting of a peaceful environment, even without a meaning behind such a name. Speaking of the olden ages of forests, showing a season of change, and a sign of growth, even if only to leave the green Earth.