


2 months, 9 days ago


 ❗ this is a fan character/personal design of the playable main character "Gran" from Granblue Fantasy. credit for the world and elements of the design goes to Cygames.

grahem, captain of the grandcypher, seeks to be a warm figure to most that meet him. he seems to take most circumstances in stride, however defaults to isolating himself when he is feeling unwell. he knows his role as the ship's leader and wishes not to cause any trouble amongst his crew and friends. not to mention, he occasionally suffers a curse that gives him distressing mental images and chronic headaches. but despite everything, his influence on the crew is not taken lightly. for some crazy reason, they are always there for him.

grahem upholds the virtue of humility by always putting his crew and those around him ahead of himself, always being the first to uphold their value. however, he is also easily influenced by his desires to be close to others and indulge in leisure, which impacts his decision making on where to fly, making his sin lust.

 romantically loving of rosetta. fanboying over cagliostro. kindred with zehek. friends with manamel. big brother figure to lyria. thirsting over way too many people to count.

Age: 20's
Gender: Male (trans, he/him)
Orientation: Bisexual
Height: 5'6

Favored Weapon: Staff
Favored Element: Dark

Likes: Eating and drinking, learning about cultures and far-off lands, smart and boyish fashion, geology
Dislikes: Lifting heavy things, his curse, navigating, strong booze